Umm... Did Joe Biden Just Commit Another Crime To Protect Hunter?

My comments are addressing the issue directly. Your political clusterfk has provided Trump with complete immunity

Immunity from what, jackass?

Lemme know when your little Cuban dictator up there in the frozen north apologizes for closing the bank accounts of citizens with the wrong political persuasion.

Til then, if 'Merica wants to hear a Canuck, it had better be a goose flyin' south for some actual weather. ;)
Hunter is currently being proescuted for a crime, dimwit.

Ya know, the entire basis for this thread?

Geez you people grow more delusional with each passing day.

I wonder why that is?
As is Mr. Trump -- in multiple jurisdictions.

You infer President Biden committed another crime, without naming (how ironic o_O) the other crime.
This is about Joe, not Hunter so much - Hunter is just the motivation.

It's impossible to debate somebody who doesn't even understand the argument they're attempting to contradict.

But I'm sure you're used to people giving up on you.
Without Joe being who he is, Hunter is a nobody and would've walked already as most charged with similar crimes have done.
As always, the Dems are the ones hijacking "Democracy" and the legal system, all while pretending to be the authoritative adults protecting its sanctity.

This time there could be alleged witness tampering involved.

It just never ends with these people.

They think they can get away with anything while feigning the moral high ground, and their only principle is to "GET TRUMP!" because they know he will bring their gravy train crashing down.
Given the circumstances the visit was curious. But it is hardly a crime to visit one's daughter-in-law and speculation of a crime is only a crime in the minds of leftists.
Without Joe being who he is, Hunter is a nobody and would've walked already as most charged with similar crimes have done.

As usual, the exact opposite of what you're saying is true.

If he wasn't already a swamp creature's spawn - he'd have been in the slammer years ago:

He is charged with three crimes — two counts for alleged false statements he made while purchasing the gun and a third count for possessing the gun while addicted to drugs. Read the annotated indictment.

Why is it you get everything wrong, all of the time?
As usual, the exact opposite of what you're saying is true.

If he wasn't already a swamp creature's spawn - he'd have been in the slammer years ago:

Why is it you get everything wrong, all of the time?
Trump supposedly drained a swamp. But we do know for a fact he put in a sewer. His admin and lobbyists?

As his term comes to an end, President Donald Trump revoked a rule he signed early in his term that imposed a five-year lobbying ban for administration officials and a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign governments.

Trump had signed the order “Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees” within his first week in office as part of his campaign promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington.

But now, as he and his advisers depart the White House, Trump is presumably allowing for those officials to begin lobbying when they leave government.

The January 28, 2017 executive order required appointees to pledge that they will not “engage in lobbying activities with respect” to the executive agency they were appointed to serve within five years after “termination of their employment” – effectively allowing them to lobby other areas.


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