Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

Your thoughts are laudable, but without any of the things you are describing?

This message board wouldn't exist.
Excellent talk to the forum.

Didn't mean "have a talk" so to speak.

I just don't want be what we hate about the democrats. I want to be the people of reason, sanity. We have a road to victory and if we achieve victory I want us to be the only calm and rational people.
Your thoughts are laudable, but without any of the things you are describing?

This message board wouldn't exist.

I'm not saying don't discuss anything. I'm just saying keep cool, calm, rational, stick to facts, don't go immediately on the offense, be reasonable, and don't dig in with hatred.

When people see others arguing and one of them is measured, calm, concise and not confrontational that's the person they want to listen to because they assume the unhinged and hateful person is wrong.
Biden's side will see the documents case being dropped as just one more big wrong that needs to be corrected.

And Just imagine what the military must be thinking, now that they know that nothing can be kept out of Russia's and China's hands!!

What will America's intelligence agencies do to correct that obvious leak?

Exclude all future president's from receiving classified information?
that is and certainly has been the result.

pity the poor mi6 or mossad rookie who tells the truth to the cia after this.
You are a fascist. And you will see what fascism is really ike. Don't start crying when trump starts taking more and more from you.
Up yours, the Democrat still owns you boy! Which party just tried to assassinate a political opponent, after not being able to incarcerate him, yours!
Trump was not assassinated, trump had his document case dropped, trump is gaining popularity, Republicans are gradually on the rise and things are definitely seeming to favor america.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

If trump wins we should show pride and support for him and for America. While also not being contrarians and attacking democrats. We won't win over others if we don't give them the opportunity to listen to us, and perhaps even agree with us.

Let's be the better men and women, and just maybe with consideration some of them might be willing to listen and understand. But that won't happen if we're just getting in their face and stonewalling them.

Trump's document case has not been "dropped" at all. This "dismissal" of the case is not on the evidence, but rather the process. This Order will be appealled, and like all of Judge Cannon's other orders, this one will be overturned, and she will be removed from the case.

Trump will not be re-elected. If anything, this will get the electorate paying attention to the bloviating old criminal you're trying to make into a dictator.

If Trump wins, the USA will become a pariah nation. You're mostly there. The world cannot tolerate and your nation being run by a criminal psychopath, and neither can you.
Trump's document case has not been "dropped" at all. This "dismissal" of the case is not on the evidence, but rather the process. This Order will be appealled, and like all of Judge Cannon's other orders, this one will be overturned, and she will be removed from the case.

Trump will not be re-elected. If anything, this will get the electorate paying attention to the bloviating old criminal you're trying to make into a dictator.

If Trump wins, the USA will become a pariah nation. You're mostly there. The world cannot tolerate and your nation being run by a criminal psychopath, and neither can you.

Crazy Canuck is gonna Crazy.
You are gaslighting again.

The political violent rhetoric by the weird right began in 2009 with the weird Tea Party and has only morphed since.

The amazing thing is that you are not really worrisome as being actually violent, much like children throwing taunts from the other side of the fence, and then comes the assassination attempt by a 20-year-old conservative Republican against Trump.

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