Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.

You are gaslighting again.

The political violent rhetoric by the weird right began in 2009 with the weird Tea Party and has only morphed since.

The amazing thing is that you are not really worrisome as being actually violent, much like children throwing taunts from the other side of the fence, and then comes the assassination attempt by a 20-year-old conservative Republican against Trump.
When was the last time a democrat was targeted for assassination? BLM/Antifa and all the calls for violence from Schumer, Piglosi, Schiff, Schumer and let us not forget the head of your party stating "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Please link to any. The reports I've seen just say he was a loner. Your disingenuous suggestions are typical democrat deflections.

Registered Republican.

There are literally hundreds of links YOU could have found on your own if you weren't such a lazy ignorant asshole.
Did you forget BLM/Antifa, MS13 and the drug cartels that Biden invited in exist?

MS13 is an AMERICAN gang with it's headquarter in Los Angeles.

The USA exported MS13 to Central America. You broke it, you own it.

Trump was not assassinated, trump had his document case dropped, trump is gaining popularity, Republicans are gradually on the rise and things are definitely seeming to favor america.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

If trump wins we should show pride and support for him and for America. While also not being contrarians and attacking democrats. We won't win over others if we don't give them the opportunity to listen to us, and perhaps even agree with us.

Let's be the better men and women, and just maybe with consideration some of them might be willing to listen and understand. But that won't happen if we're just getting in their face and stonewalling them.

They continue to antagonize us, or haven't you noticed!

But, yes I agree, we should just LAUGH at them.(or do you consider laughing at them with a heart LOL to antagonistic when they post mumble talking points)

We should walk QUIETLY, and carry a big stick to our voting precincts, and take total control of our country; then let our reps and Senators hose them, as we laugh all the way to the freaking bank!
They continue to antagonize us, or haven't you noticed!

But, yes I agree, we should just LAUGH at them.(or do you consider laughing at them with a heart LOL to antagonistic when they post mumble talking points)

We should walk QUIETLY, and carry a big stick to our voting precincts, and take total control of our country; then let our reps and Senators hose them, as we laugh all the way to the freaking bank!
Focus on the issues. The democrats have no defense for the dumpster fire that they created.
Focus on the issues. The democrats have no defense for the dumpster fire that they created.

Let me get this straight from YOU to ME----------->you want me/us to focus Soley on the issues, while they propagandize the American public constantly.

While I am no fan of Romney's, you do understand that he LOST that election because of propaganda, don't you!

Look back at Bush V Gore, and who was propagandizing who/whom, and who almost won because of it?!?!?! Look at Gore now, he is a proven NUT CASE.

While I agree with you we must stick to the facts/policies, we have allowed them to put forth a narrative that is totally false, and look where it has gotten us until they FINALLY got busted just recently. We need to ......yes.....stick with the differences in policies and governance, while driving BACK INTO the ground their false talking points from the present, and past.

Do all of this, they haven't a snowballs chance in hell!

We must make the American public ask themselves------------>IF they propagandized/ lied about all of this, what else are they now lying about. We have the proverbial ball FINALLY, they are on the defensive along with on their heels. Want to let them off the hook? Not me! Bury them as I know they can come up with a narrative faster than I can run the 100 yard dash, then proclaim------->catch me in my lie if you can before I bury your side.
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Let me get this straight from YOU to ME----------->you want me/us to focus Soley on the issues, while they propagandize the American public constantly.

While I am no fan of Romney's, you do understand that he LOST that election because of propaganda, don't you!

Look back at Bush V Gore, and who was propagandizing who/whom, and who almost won because of it?!?!?! Look at Gore now, he is a proven NUT CASE.

While I agree with you we must stick to the facts/policies, we have allowed them to put forth a narrative that is totally false, and look where it has gotten us until they FINALLY got busted just recently. We need to ......yes.....stick with the differences in policies and governance, while driving BACK INTO the ground their false talking points from the present, and past.

Do all of this, they haven't a snowballs chance in hell!

We must make the American public ask themselves------------>IF they propagandized/ lied about all of this, what else are they now lying about. We have the proverbial ball FINALLY, they are on the defensive along with on their heels. Want to let them off the hook? Not me! Bury them as I know they can come up with a narrative faster than I can run the 100 yard dash, then proclaim------->catch me in my lie if you can before I bury your side.
Granted, everything you have pointed out is true. My point is they only have attacks, unsubstantiated allegations and innuendo to spew because they have nothing but a nuclear dumpster fire of a record to run on. All we have to do is focus on the issues that they have created and it will be the most effective counter measure to their lies.
Granted, everything you have pointed out is true. My point is they only have attacks, unsubstantiated allegations and innuendo to spew because they have nothing but a nuclear dumpster fire of a record to run on. All we have to do is focus on the issues that they have created and it will be the most effective counter measure to their lies.
That is your entire game

Calling out others for the exact thing you are doing is weak.

But that’s your game.
Did you forget BLM/Antifa, MS13 and the drug cartels that Biden invited in exist?
No. Each party has their extremists/stormtroopers.
Did I say put a bullseye on him like Biden did Trump. You brought the temperature up in the frying pan and now ya can't handle it. I want no violence I mean at the Battle box like Biden said
I do nothing besides malign magaturds. Freedom of speech. Magaturds can't make an argument unless it's personal.
LOL, Bbbbut, Bbbut, what about. That's it--use the old democrat tactic of "blame the victim." Try again.
Fuck you. Magaturds whole shtick is victim blaming. If the orange bag 'O shit wasn't such a divisive asshole, maybe someone wouldn't have taken a shot at him. I'm honestly surprised it took this long. :dunno:

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