The day after Trump shooting, Trump-hater Adam Kinzinger tweets "Trump must be stopped"

How so? Is that a threat of violence? According to the Trump cult, such things are death threats, after all. Are you saying the Trump cult is wrong?

So, you ran when I presented more evidence that the shooter was a conservative gun nut. You know the shooter was your boy, yet you still run cover for him. That makes you partly responsible for his actions.

Does the Trump cult know that you've chosen love of violence over Trump himself? It seems Trump isn't actually what unifies the cult. A love of violence is what unifies Republicans.

Hence why Jan 6th is a hallowed day in maga land.
Poor Mammy spinning it!
Radicalized any more conservative kids today? Sucks for you that this one attacked your own cult. Take a lesson, that making jihadists never turns out well. You can't control them.

You have to know your big lie campaign won't end well. Everyone already thinks you're shit humans because of what you're doing. So why keep it up?

Oh, that's right. The cult. The lemmings are all going off the cliff together.
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If that were the case he woulda flown to California and knifed Adam Schiff ?
The problem with creating jihadists, as the right strives to do, is that you can't control them.

So, recently, there are 3 conservative assassionation attempts (Gifford, Pelosi, Trump), compared to one liberal attempt (Scalise). Your side's record of attempting assassinations is pretty awful. Why then do you endorse them?
The problem with creating jihadists, as the right strives to do, is that you can't control them.

So, recently, there are 3 conservative assassionation attempts (Gifford, Pelosi, Trump), compared to one liberal attempt (Scalise). Your side's record of attempting assassinations is pretty awful. Why then do you endorse them?
Lefties on SSRIs all of the ones you mention
The Nazis also faked such stories about Jews/liberals being violent to justify their waves of violence against Jew/liberals.

Serious question: Is there any way at all in which your positions differ from those held by the Nazis? Because I can't see any
The blood of an innocent person is on YOUR hands. YOUR side's words and actions inspired this.
The leftist proponents should probably remember… those of us on the Right are generally better shots….
Nah. Clean living and sobriety makes us much better shots.

Plus, we're not restricted to mobility scooters. Stairs aren't an impenetrable obstacle to us.

Nice job of threatening violence, of course. More conservatives need to be open about their lust to kill. After all, they don't do a good job of hiding it, so they may as well be honest about it.
Nah. Clean living and sobriety makes us much better shots.

Plus, we're not restricted to mobility scooters. Stairs aren't an impenetrable obstacle to us.

Nice job of threatening violence, of course. More conservatives need to be open about their lust to kill. After all, they don't do a good job of hiding it, so they may as well be honest about it.

Gawd you're an idiot
No this is the part where we point out that the twice impeached, convicted felon, self-admitted rapist, and 7 times bankrupt businessman, who tried to overthrow the government and install himself as dictator, has no business being allowed to run for President - again, given that he refuses to accept the results of the election, unless he wins.
This is where we tell gaslighting liars like you and mamooth to STFU. Your lies have been exposed and Trump will roll to victory thanks to idiots like you.
The blood of an innocent person is on YOUR hands. YOUR side's words and actions inspired this.
Nah. I'm not a conservative gun cultist who radicalized the kid. That means my hands are squeaky clean.

Now you, you supported the radicalization, so your hands are dripping red. And you still support it, even knowing what the lethal results are.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your ultraviolent fascist liars' cult.
I feel sorry for Adam. Imagine, he really thinks if Trump is reelected, it will be the end of America; I'm surprised he hasn't already signed up to be a democrat. And if Trump gets back in office, he may feel personally responsible for his failure to put away the dictator Trump through his inept J6 Committee!

I hope his personal nurse has locked away his cyanide capsules far out of his reach! :smoke:

It would save some decent person the trouble.
This is where we tell gaslighting liars like you and mamooth to STFU. Your lies have been exposed and Trump will roll to victory thanks to idiots like you.
Do you support all the calls from the right to kill liberals?

No need to ask. Of coruse you do. You have to. And what's more, you want to. It gives you a sick thrill, thinking about killing liberals.

No liberals act like that. Liberals are peaceful, conservatives always have murder on the mind.

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