Biden: I’ve Never Engaged in Rhetoric About Trump

Other than calling half of all Americans a threat to democracy and domestic terrorists because they don’t want babies slaughtered and/or won’t for Joe, no rhetoric at all!

And I NEVER said crosshairs!

I have. I refer to him as an orange bag 'O shit. I call his supporters magaturds. Because they are.
Still not a single Trump cultist criticizing the multiple calls to murder liberals on this thread.

Still not a single Trump cultist willing to admit that their rhetoric radicalized a very conservative Republican kid.

And not one Trump cultist willing to raise their hand and say they don't want me dead.

The Trump cultists on this thread have conclusively proven my point about how badly they lust for violence, and and I thank them for that. I'll let them know when I need any other points proven.
Fuck off you worthless twat.

Holy shit doesn't that idiot know there's hours of video of him doing just that?? What a fucking full blown LIAR that lowlife is goddamn!
When Biden was younger he was a liar, scammer, blackmailer, thief, cheater and all 'round nogoodnick. Now that he has progressed to his dotage, he can't be held responsible for anything so the sky is the limit!
It's good to be a liberal. We're not ridiculed by the public because a cult orders us to say insane things.
No, you just say and DO insane things, without being ordered.






A lie on that level earns you a very deep pit in Hell. Is the cause of fascism really worth your soul?

So, is there any Trump cultist here who doesn't want me dead for CrimesAgainstTheParty? A show of hands, please.
I don't want you dead, Mamooth. I want to enjoy your reaction when Donald J Trump is sworn in as the next President of the United States.

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