The day after Trump shooting, Trump-hater Adam Kinzinger tweets "Trump must be stopped"

Yet I'm not the one screeching for censorship here. That's you.

There's an easy way to have the mean ol' liberals stop criticizing you for doing awful things. Stop doing those awful things. Is it really that difficult for you to give up your evil ways?


The pattern continues.

1. Trump and his cultists act like fascists.

2. Liberals point it out.

3. Trump cultists demand censorship of that criticism, uttering various threats, thus proving the liberals were 100% correct.
You forgot
  • Liberals incite violence against Trump
  • Trump gets shot at
Where do they fit in?
Yet I'm not the one screeching for censorship here. That's you.

There's an easy way to have the mean ol' liberals stop criticizing you for doing awful things. Stop doing those awful things. Is it really that difficult for you to give up your evil ways?

The Trump shooter was radicalized by people like you.

This is your fault.
Kinzinger is a domestic terrorist and needs to be prosecuted.

Two of our last four Republican presidents have been shot.

This country has a SERIOUS left-wing terrorism problem.

Reagan was shot so John Hinkley could get Jody Foster's attention. Prior to shooting Reagan, Hinkley had been going after President Carter, but couldn't get close enough to Carter to try.

Trump was shot by a Republican, not a leftist.

The right has a gun problem. It's not leftists who shoot people. Republicans are the guys with all of the guns, as you keep telling us. All of these shooters are right wingers.
This is your usual projection.

That's because you are covering your eyes and chanting "trumpbadtrumpbad".

No this is the part where we point out that the twice impeached, convicted felon, self-admitted rapist, and 7 times bankrupt businessman, who tried to overthrow the government and install himself as dictator, has no business being allowed to run for President - again, given that he refuses to accept the results of the election, unless he wins.
Kinzinger is a domestic terrorist and needs to be prosecuted.

Two of our last four Republican presidents have been shot.

This country has a SERIOUS left-wing terrorism problem.

I know you want censorship of facts and opinions...

Can't have anyone say anything bad of the Dear Leader...
The pattern continues.

1. Trump and his cultists act like fascists.

2. Liberals point it out.

3. Trump cultists demand censorship of that criticism, uttering various threats, thus proving the liberals were 100% correct.

Marvin, Westwall, when did you first realize you were fascists, and when did you start to think that was a good thing?
Oh give it up twit Fer brains. No one believes your bull poo.
Oh give it up twit Fer brains. No one believes your bull poo.

Yes, yes, I know you want me in the re-education camps. You've made that clear for many years. You always let your fascist freak flag fly.

But why on earth did you think that all conservatives publicly demanding censorship was a smart tactic? I mean, hating me for always humiliating you is one thing. Demanding the whole nation be censored is something else.

Oh, wait. I get it. Like most of the Trump cultists, you're too scared to leave your fascist SafeSpaces, so you have no idea of how normal people think.

Reality is not going to be kind to you Trump cult fascists.

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