Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.

You dont get to support a party that constantly agitates and aggrieves then accuse others of agitation and aggrievement. Show me that the GOP isnt the main divisiveness in this country and I'll listen. Until then.

He literally called half of Americans "Facists" Literally.
Again, only the left thinks the other side's ideas shouldn't even exist.

Stop being slick.

Too late. You've made your bed. And had a hand in helping to create the conditions that led to Saturday.
Yes, you've had some victories. But don't break out the champagne just yet. The story isn't over and it's LONG way to November. Lots can change.


All those words, meanwhile the left continues to break shit, currently due to their love of Jew killing Gazans.

I don't remember any other president using violent rhetoric.. JFK, Robert Kennedy, George Wallace, Reagan... even Martin Luther King didn't incite the mob.


Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.​

In other words, turn the other cheek and continually be the victim of assault? Take the high road, right?

Isn't that kinda what put the GOP in the rear seat in the first place?

You don't bring a baseball bat to a gun fight, that is, if you ever want to win.
Triggered? You won't because they don't exist. You are doing your typical, nonstop trolling. A lot of posts with little to no substantiation but a lot of abrasive language to elicit a response. You're transparent as hell.
People who question common knowledge subjects and want links are ass hats who are losing the game.

Attacking me because you can't defend your position is your typical go to position.
This is MAGA: "Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us."
I don't remember any other president using violent rhetoric.. JFK, Robert Kennedy, George Wallace, Reagan... even Martin Luther King didn't incite the mob.

March Peacefully and Patriotically vs. Time to put Trump in the Bullseye. Your disingenuous allegations are wearing thin. Everyone knows that they are nothing more than democrat political persecution that has been going on for the last nine years. Enjoy the next four.
Already been done. Between the SCOTUS ruling and Cannon's indefinite postponement, the fed cases are dust. The rest of your post are just biased speculation.
Well, yes, I said that.

The doc case will be appealed. The J6 case will be adjudicated and then move forward. If he wins they are both gone. If he doesn't he will be in prison by December 2025.

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