Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.

I am not going to do common knowledge links for someone like you. He was a never trumper conservative republican who had enough of the fascist.
Triggered? You won't because they don't exist. You are doing your typical, nonstop trolling. A lot of posts with little to no substantiation but a lot of abrasive language to elicit a response. You're transparent as hell.
Triggered? You won't because they don't exist. You are doing your typical, nonstop trolling. A lot of posts with little to no substantiation but a lot of abrasive language to elicit a response. You're transparent as hell.
That's all true. It is exactly why I put the squaw who stroked the camel's sack on ignore long ago.
Too late. You've made your bed. And had a hand in helping to create the conditions that led to Saturday.
Yes, you've had some victories. But don't break out the champagne just yet. The story isn't over and it's LONG way to November. Lots can change.
Nice job not answering my accusations.

Because you can't.
You dont get to support a party that constantly agitates and aggrieves then accuse others of agitation and aggrievement. Show me that the GOP isnt the main divisiveness in this country and I'll listen. Until then.
You dont get to support a party that constantly agitates and aggrieves then accuse others of agitation and aggrievement. Show me that the GOP isnt the main divisiveness in this country and I'll listen. Until then.

Again, only the left thinks the other side's ideas shouldn't even exist.

Stop being slick.
Me personally? I don't think that much.
-Tax cut for the wealthy.
-His DOJ will get rid of the federal cases against him.
-He may try to pardon himself.
-He will cut funding the Ukrainians and providing them intelligence.
-Lots of "executive time."
-Democrats will retake the House and Senate in the next election cycle.
All quite feasible!

And attempting to cut the funding is so likely that it's guaranteed that he won't be getting the opportunity.

Would Trump compromise that one ideal covertly to gov only, before the election?

Not very likely, even though it will eliminate his chance of becoming the pres.

America has a loose cannon that has to be chained down somehow.
Trump was not assassinated, trump had his document case dropped, trump is gaining popularity, Republicans are gradually on the rise and things are definitely seeming to favor america.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

If trump wins we should show pride and support for him and for America. While also not being contrarians and attacking democrats. We won't win over others if we don't give them the opportunity to listen to us, and perhaps even agree with us.

Let's be the better men and women, and just maybe with consideration some of them might be willing to listen and understand. But that won't happen if we're just getting in their face and stonewalling them.
Excellent talk to the forum.

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