Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.

Iflation is down. Fuel proces are down. Trump kiled an immigrstion bill. There has been bo corruption in the Biden government. His foreign policy has been good. Homellessness has been a problem before Biden. Te economy is the best in the world. There are no open borders. Crime has gone down. Human trafficking occurred during trump also.

The narative you presented is false. You might need to quit reading that right wing trash.
Inflation is still over 3% and unemployment is up
Trump was not assassinated, trump had his document case dropped, trump is gaining popularity, Republicans are gradually on the rise and things are definitely seeming to favor america.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

If trump wins we should show pride and support for him and for America. While also not being contrarians and attacking democrats. We won't win over others if we don't give them the opportunity to listen to us, and perhaps even agree with us.

Let's be the better men and women, and just maybe with consideration some of them might be willing to listen and understand. But that won't happen if we're just getting in their face and stonewalling them.
We are commanded by God to mock evil.

If that pisses off Democrats….well….
Too late. You've made your bed.
You ARE the bed.

And had a hand in helping to create the conditions that led to Saturday.
Yes, we ran a candidate to counter all of the grievous things done by leftist Marxists who want absolute power.

Yes, you've had some victories.
We are killing it. Batter up!!! ⚾

But don't break out the champagne just yet. The story isn't over and it's LONG way to November. Lots can change.
Maybe, all things are possible but I bet you never saw all this coming!!! Jack, I'm worried for you, I hope you don't have any sharp objects or sleeping pills in your possession?

So far, a lot HAS changed, and all of it making Biden and the democrats increasingly less likely to win shit this November. :crying:

Shooter's politics aside. That's only causing the kids to throw shit back and forth at each other, while ignoring America's enemies.

Does Trump's opinion on the war against Russia give America's government any reason to attempt eliminating the loose cannon in their midst that is blowing the whistle on Biden and company?

Sometimes it becomes just a little too obvious!

That's still a long way from the kooky idea that Biden hired the shooter! Or similar baloney!
You ARE the bed.

Yes, we ran a candidate to counter all of the grievous things done by leftist Marxists who want absolute power.

We are killing it. Batter up!!! ⚾

Maybe, all things are possible but I bet you never saw all this coming!!! Jack, I'm worried for you, I hope you don't have any sharp objects or sleeping pills in your possession?

So far, a lot HAS changed, and all of it making Biden and the democrats increasingly less likely to win shit this November. :crying:

The polls say they are tied.
Try again. He has never voted in a national election. He was not an adult until 2022. Like you, he was wet behind the ears and probably couldn't tell the difference. Enjoy the results in Nov. LOL
You guys said this in 2022. You bragged about a red wave befire the election and it didn't happen. Get ready for the same results in November.
Too late. You've made your bed. And had a hand in helping to create the conditions that led to Saturday.
Yes, you've had some victories. But don't break out the champagne just yet. The story isn't over and it's LONG way to November. Lots can change.

Maybe you guys shouldn't have been out screeching for years now, that Trump is 'Hitler', and his followers are Nazi's.
Tell me what you think will happen you and your commie friends will revolt

You are a fascist. And you will see what fascism is really ike. Don't start crying when trump starts taking more and more from you.
Maybe you guys shouldn't have been out screeching for years now, that Trump is 'Hitler', and his followers are Nazi's.
Maybe we need to continue speaking the truth about trumps fascism and that of his cult.

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