Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.

The far right has been threatening their enemies since 2008 with Obama's election, and now are horrified that it has come to happen against their guy at the hands of a conservative registered Republican.
It's ironic that Republicans themselves would become the first with violent measures to stop Trump!
It's essential now that America must increase security to unheard of limits until the election at least.

And likely too that the need for a government agent with a machine gun on every street corner will be needed indefinitely, after the election.

An active coup attempt is still in progress.
Just consider that the military are having to live with the fact that there is an active leader of an attempted coup living in their midst!

Oh please.

One that has openly stated that America is to blame for starting the war against Russia, that America's military is fighting in desperation to win!

How do America's top Generals sleep at night knowing that?

A dose of reality on a spoon, for all Americans to swallow!

Maybe Trump 47 can do something about all that pink and purple hair.

And the girly boys.
Trump was not assassinated, trump had his document case dropped, trump is gaining popularity, Republicans are gradually on the rise and things are definitely seeming to favor america.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

If trump wins we should show pride and support for him and for America. While also not being contrarians and attacking democrats. We won't win over others if we don't give them the opportunity to listen to us, and perhaps even agree with us.

Let's be the better men and women, and just maybe with consideration some of them might be willing to listen and understand. But that won't happen if we're just getting in their face and stonewalling them.
Good luck with all that
Too late. You've made your bed. And had a hand in helping to create the conditions that led to Saturday.
Yes, you've had some victories. But don't break out the champagne just yet. The story isn't over and it's LONG way to November. Lots can change.
Jane you ignorant slut, sit down, shut up, and reap what you have sewn. Ever since Donald announced after riding down the escalator, you and your little lemmings in the media have done nothing but run negative story after negative story about him, now 5 days after Biden says it's time to put Trump in the bullseye, and he is a threat to democracy there is an assassination attempt. Yeah you marxists time has come
The OP needs to stop whining and lying. You guys have been threatening civil war or race war for years. Trump has threatened violence if he doesn't get his way. And so he got the violence he asked for, but not how he wanted it. Excuse me if I don't have any pity for him. He has never had pity for others.
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For such a smart guy you say the dumbest things....
Biden has total control of every section of the federal government... its not suppose to be like this... Kimberly Cheatle should have never been confirmed by the senate because of her close relationship with Biden and his wife... Garland should have never been confirmed same with Mayorkis.... Biden is in full charge and can order the SS around by its nose...
I don't really dispute your feelings on Biden being actively behind this thing. I only limit my comments to what is easily provable and then let the whole story be developed by the opinions of others.

For now we can safely say that government were aware that an opportunity for an assassin was left open.
Oh please.

Maybe Trump 47 can do something about all that pink and purple hair.

And the girly boys.
Soothsayer Duck is just trying to reframe the narrative. Don't let him do it. The issues are Inflation, Immigration, High Fuel Prices, corruption in gov't, incompetence in the WH, poor foreign policy, Homelessness, the Economy, Open Borders, Human Trafficking, Crime...
Jane you ignorant slut, sit down, shut up, and reap what you have sewn. Ever since Donald announced after riding down the escalator, you and your little lemmings in the media have done nothing but run negative story after negative story about him, now 5 days after Biden says it's time to put Trump in the bullseye, and he is a threat to democracy there is an assassination attempt. Yeah you marxists time has come
Stop crying. TArump created the negative stories with his rhetoric. He came down the escalator and spewed racism from the jump. And you can stop tryingto claim that Biden told people to put in a bulleye in orderto try assasinating him. Trump is a threat to democracy. Have EVER heard a presidential candidate say he wanted to be a dictator even for just one day? But Trump said that.
The OP needs to stop whining and lying. You guys have been treatining civil war or race war for years. Trump has threatened violence f he doesn't get his way. And so he got the violence he asked for, but not how he wanted it. Excuse me if I don't have any pity for him. He has never had pity for others.
You need to shut your asshat mouth, your time is coming, you should have joined the good guys instead of being a lemming for the left.
You can see the CYA coming. Pretend republicans hope there is no scrutiny for the major fukup that might be criminal negligent homicide and we chalk it up to an unfortunate incident.
I don't really dispute your feelings on Biden being actively behind this thing. I only limit my comments to what is easily provable and then let the whole story be developed by the opinions of others.

For now we can safely say that government were aware that an opportunity for an assassin was left open.
Problem is there are no more men in white hats in government... they are all afraid of losing their jobs or they are loony partisan hacks....
Stop crying. TArump created the negative stories with his rhetoric. He came down the escalator and spewed racism from the jump. And you can stop tryingto claim that Biden told people to put in a bulleye in orderto try assasinating him. Trump is a threat to democracy. Have EVER heard a presidential candidate say he wanted to be a dictator even for just one day? But Trump said that.
You are an ignorant twat waffle, let the adults talk boy!
Soothsayer Duck is just trying to reframe the narrative. Don't let him do it. The issues are Inflation, Immigration, High Fuel Prices, corruption in gov't, incompetence in the WH, poor foreign policy, Homelessness, the Economy, Open Borders, Human Trafficking, Crime...
Inflation is down. Fuel prices are down. Trump killed an immigration bill. There has been no corruption in the Biden government. His foreign policy has been good. Homelessness has been a problem before Biden. The economy is the best in the world. There are no open borders. Crime has gone down. Human trafficking occurred during trump also.

The narrative you presented is false. You might need to quit reading that right wing trash.

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