Please conservatives/Republicans, let not become what we despise.

Do you think the left is done and will stop?... don't be so foolish... they will never stop... if there are not more attempts on Trump's life from now till November and after he wins I will be amazed... never stop fighting because they sure won't...
The more info that comes out of this shooting, the more I believe the Biden junta is behind it. No action from LE or SS until three minutes after audience members are pointing and yelling. WTF?
What a funny OP. Clearly he has not read half the threads here that are right wing racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobic, hate filled rants. What a load of crock. Its like sitting in youre neighbors living room then tell people to not let your dog crap in their yard. Too funny.

You just proved the point of everyone on the right here by using the usual cop out words, implying as the left always does:

Your speech is violence, our violence is speech"

As well as my other left mantra:

"The Right thinks the Left's ideas are retarded, the Left thinks the Right's ideas shouldn't even exist.
You MAGA will not be allowed to skate free, for sure. You will lose, and you will lose badly.
Just consider that the military are having to live with the fact that there is an active leader of an attempted coup living in their midst!

One that has openly stated that America is to blame for starting the war against Russia, that America's military is fighting in desperation to win!

How do America's top Generals sleep at night knowing that?

A dose of reality on a spoon, for all Americans to swallow!
Trump was not assassinated, trump had his document case dropped, trump is gaining popularity, Republicans are gradually on the rise and things are definitely seeming to favor america.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

If trump wins we should show pride and support for him and for America. While also not being contrarians and attacking democrats. We won't win over others if we don't give them the opportunity to listen to us, and perhaps even agree with us.

Let's be the better men and women, and just maybe with consideration some of them might be willing to listen and understand. But that won't happen if we're just getting in their face and stonewalling them.
I'll agree with the caveat that those who abused their power to get Trump for purely political reasons should be held accountable. No one is above the law. No American is safe if we allow the weaponization of law enforcement and the courts to go after people we don't like.
Let's not try to get to the bottom of the criminal negligence that led to the attempted assassination of the former president and the death of at least one citizen? You gotta be kidding.
The more info that comes out of this shooting, the more I believe the Biden junta is behind it. No action from LE or SS until three minutes after audience members are pointing and yelling. WTF?
I think you are absolutely right... today the director of the secret service is throwing local law enforcement under the bus....
You just proved the point of everyone on the right here by using the usual cop out words, implying as the left always does:

Your speech is violence, our violence is speech"

As well as my other left mantra:

"The Right thinks the Left's ideas are retarded, the Left thinks the Right's ideas shouldn't even exist.
You cant spend a decade of shitting on everyone and then suddenly act like your above it without being called a hypocrite.
Too late. You've made your bed. And had a hand in helping to create the conditions that led to Saturday.
Yes, you've had some victories. But don't break out the champagne just yet. The story isn't over and it's LONG way to November. Lots can change.
victim blaming is so retro. Get with the times.
Trump was not assassinated, trump had his document case dropped, trump is gaining popularity, Republicans are gradually on the rise and things are definitely seeming to favor america.

Let's not become what we hate about democrats and progressives. Let's not taunt the other side, call them names, try to piss them off, curse, get in their face with our victories and so on. That's why we don't like democrats, it's always this closed minded, hateful, forceful, antagonizing and confrontational push towards us.

If trump wins we should show pride and support for him and for America. While also not being contrarians and attacking democrats. We won't win over others if we don't give them the opportunity to listen to us, and perhaps even agree with us.

Let's be the better men and women, and just maybe with consideration some of them might be willing to listen and understand. But that won't happen if we're just getting in their face and stonewalling them.
Amen and Amen.

No child was ever convinced to eat his carrots by being told there are starving children in China.
No person ever changed his/her attitude by being told he/she was an asshole.
No person ever came to love the Lord by being told he/she was going to hell.
No person ever came to change his/her sociopolitical views by being called names.

I will continue to speak out strongly against Marxist ambitions, totalitarian ambitions, the loss of our liberties, choices, options, opportunities, law violating policies, and keep showing as best as I can why the GOP is the only power we have to protect us from all that at this time. We are not effective when we pretend an enemy intends no harm to us. Good people have to speak out against evil where it exists.

But we do not have to frame that speaking out and opposition in hateful, ugly, school yard insults. Hate the sin and defend our persons, our families, our communities, our countries against it. But love the sinner. That should again become the American way.
I think you are absolutely right... today the director of the secret service is throwing local law enforcement under the bus....
Don't get over the top with it. There's a big difference between Biden being behind it and SS/government complicity in leaving gaps in Trump's security.

Biden's government are aware of what Trump has said, even though Biden fears raising the question.

And Trump did in fact need to lead a coup attempt to stop Biden from stealing the election!

What would any country's military be thinking now?

Can the Generals still trust the Generals?
Don't get over the top with it. There's a big difference between Biden being behind it and SS/government complicity in leaving gaps in Trump's security.

Biden's government are aware of what Trump has said, even though Biden fears raising the question.

And Trump did in fact need to lead a coup attempt to stop Biden from stealing the election!

What would any country's military be thinking now?
For such a smart guy you say the dumbest things....
Biden has total control of every section of the federal government... its not suppose to be like this... Kimberly Cheatle should have never been confirmed by the senate because of her close relationship with Biden and his wife... Garland should have never been confirmed same with Mayorkis.... Biden is in full charge and can order the SS around by its nose...

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