Zone1 Is Your Body a Temple or a Graveyard?

In the Bible, it was how it was in the beginning, before the fall and for many centuries afterward. Outside of religion in the sciences currently dealing with earliest people it has to be conceded that gathering food from plants including grains was a very huge part of diet if not exclusively so, animal products are used much more in this culture than they ever have been, unless you want Inuit and other Eskimos included for being compared to, and they have the excuse that foods from plants are not so accessible to them. Healthy food from plants are available to us and just using those, without use of processed foods, any junk food included, will be much healthier for us. Studies show this and there are doctors who have been saving their patients' lives with whole food plant-based eating they direct them to have, reversing cancers, heart attacks and strokes, and other very serious issues. We really don't need to have demand from having animals used and being slaughtered for us, and honestly, they never do anything deserving that, but very very few people do either.
The health and wealth that animal agriculture provides is a blessing from God. :bowdown:

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