Trump Is Trying to “Gaslight the Black Community” About His Racist Record

Donald Trump is a racist. No matter how much Trump supporters try putting racism on any Democrat, Trump is a racist. His speech at the convention was pure racism. The threats to deport more than Eisenhower did during Operation Wetback, which itself was a racist policy, is evidence. If you support Trump, you support racism. It's that simple.

Trump Is Trying to “Gaslight the Black Community” About His Racist Record​

Race card


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immigration laws are wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttt
He should tell black folks that he doesn't have any idea what Project 2025 is. That'll sway them to vote for him.
No need. They have all seen his mug shot, and that is all that was needed to get the votes of black folk. I can't believe he didn't have some gold chains added to that picture. and a backwards hat.

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