The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

When you cannot dispute the facts, attack the source.

Breitbart is news and has the most impeccable record in journalism of any source today. Bar none. And because it exposed you for a liar, you’re crying about them like a toddler.
Its opinion.
It’s true journalism. And their record is impeccable. Which is why people like you and little Billy hate them so much.
The NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times or Chicago Tribune are true journalism.

The signal is an opinion media outlet for the lower educated.
When you cannot dispute the facts, attack the source.

Breitbart is news and has the most impeccable record in journalism of any source today. Bar none. And because it exposed you for a liar, you’re crying about them like a toddler.
AH I did point out where they were wrong but you and your ability to read what I wrote pretty much says it all ... Breybart is news that is constantly getting sued for posting untruths about people or situations just like Fox News... they are not as bad as trump he's been filed suit over 6000 times and counting ...
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing of credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence ... Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source...
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It’s true journalism. And their record is impeccable. Which is why people like you and little Billy hate them so much.
you keep believing that
As an illiterate, you repeat a lot of things. All of them false.

From ultra left-wing Wired:

Look…you’re clearly illiterate. Which means this content is far beyond your ability to grasp/understand. Either ask a trusted adult to read (and explain) it to you, or go away. All you’re doing is attempting to hijack this thread because you’re ashamed of your own ignorance on this subject and you’re ashamed that your party has become full-fledged fascists.

it shows here what you know about law... The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) allows the FBI to get a warrant from a secret court, known as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), to conduct electronic surveillance on U.S. persons if they can show probable cause that the target is an “agent of a foreign power” who is “knowingly engag [ing]…in clandestine intelligence activities.” thats the law you have no idea what you and your illiterate republicans buddies know... that would be nothing ...
Repeating a lie over and over doesn’t make the lie any more true 😂

I’ve already exposed you as ignorant about all of this subject matter. It’s only due to the fact that your IQ is so insanely low, you lack the emotion shame, that you keep coming back and embarrassing yourself further 🤦🏼‍♂️

From ultra left-wing Wired:

where do you find this crap... all I did was quote the current law for FISA word for word on how it works ...and how they are required to file for a warrant ... and you say it's me being illiterate, you saying I repeat a lot of things, All of them false... yet you didn't point out where they are false ... somebody needs to tell the government they are false ...
You’re literally doing that in this thread. You cannot bring yourself to criticize “Dear Leader” for their fascism. You’re going out of your way to lie for them, cover for them, defend them, etc. You’re fighting to advance fascism at all costs.

The left deeply believes in fascism in its purest form. You assholes have supported the elimination of the 1st Amendment, elimination of the 2nd Amendment, and elimination of the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding FISA surveillance state powers.

Receipts are all there. Ask a trusted adult how to click the links there. Then ask them to read the articles to you. And then ask them to explain the content to your uneducated, illiterate ass.
you are a nut case you have no idea what you are talking about ... democrats' believe is freedom for all ...that they should haven't to lose their homes because of a medical issue... that their children shouldn't go hungry in school... now tell me what fascist belies in that ... none ... as i said you're a nut case who hasn't any clue what you are talking about...
When you cannot dispute the facts, attack the source.

Breitbart is news and has the most impeccable record in journalism of any source today. Bar none. And because it exposed you for a liar, you’re crying about them like a toddler.
BAW HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BWA HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaHAHA now that's funny ... thats the funniest thing you have said so far ..impeciable right . BWA- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
name one fascist democrat…
1. Gavin Newsome
2. Maxine Waters
3. Barack Obama
4. Joe Biden
5. Kamala Harris
6. AOC
7. Rashida Tlaib
8. Ilhan Omar
9. Nancy Pelosi
10. Every mindless minion registered Democrat such as yourself

There are tens of thousands more of course but this is enough to prove you’re clueless. It would help too if you clicked the links I posted, read the material, and then had the maturity to admit reality 🤷🏼‍♂️
where do you find this crap... all I did was quote the current law for FISA word for word on how it works ...
No, you didn’t. At all. The law is more than two short sentences, chief 🤦🏼‍♂️
and how they are required to file for a warrant...
I already proved that wrong. And that proof came from hard left Wired, so you can’t cry “right-wing source”
and you say it's me being illiterate, you saying I repeat a lot of things, All of them false... yet you didn't point out where they are false ... somebody needs to tell the government they are false ...
I did point out where it was false. And added a link to prove it as well. That comment right there is why you come across as illiterate.
you are a nut case you have no idea what you are talking about...
You’re “triggered” over the realization that everything you were led to believe was a lie. The links are all there. Don’t get mad at me for providing facts. Get mad at the people who lied to you. And get mad at yourself for allowing yourself to be duped.
democrats' believe is freedom for all...
Yeeaahh…nothing says “freedom for all” like eliminating the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, and the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding warrantless mass surveillance of the American people.
democrats' believe is freedom for all ...that they should haven't to lose their homes because of a medical issue... that their children shouldn't go hungry in school... now tell me what fascist belies in that...
What fascist believes in total government control (healthcare, housing, food supply, etc.)? Um, all fascists believe that. 100% of fascists.
BAW HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BWA HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaHAHA now that's funny ... thats the funniest thing you have said so far ..impeciable right . BWA- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Show us a single instance where Breitbart was caught on video lying like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and others were.

Oh wait, you can’t do it? Yeah, didn’t think so.
1. Gavin Newsome
2. Maxine Waters
3. Barack Obama
4. Joe Biden
5. Kamala Harris
6. AOC
7. Rashida Tlaib
8. Ilhan Omar
9. Nancy Pelosi
10. Every mindless minion registered Democrat such as yourself

There are tens of thousands more of course but this is enough to prove you’re clueless. It would help too if you clicked the links I posted, read the material, and then had the maturity to admit reality 🤷🏼‍♂️
Any Democratic pol that would shoot someone on 5th street.
it shows here what you know about law...
You claimed over and over that Joe Biden and the Democrats “didn’t” expand the warrantless mass surveillance of Americans. I proved you wrong.
The ability of the United States to intercept and store Americans text messages, calls, and emails in pursuit of foreign intelligence was not only extended but enhanced over the weekend in ways likely to remain enigmatic to the public for years to come.
It’s a damn shame you were uninformed about the actions of your own government and own party. But it’s unacceptable that you lack the maturity to admit you were wrong.
You’re “triggered” over the realization that everything you were led to believe was a lie. The links are all there. Don’t get mad at me for providing facts. Get mad at the people who lied to you. And get mad at yourself for allowing yourself to be duped.

Yeeaahh…nothing says “freedom for all” like eliminating the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, and the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding warrantless mass surveillance of the American people.
it was expanded ??? who has said they want to eliminate the 1st amendment ??? not any Democrat... i do see Republicans again trying to force religion in schools by passing unconstitutional laws again which say they are trying to eliminate the First Amendment nowhere has Joe Biden said he wants warrantless mass surveillance... where do you get this bull shit stuff from ...the links you have are conspiracy theorist bull shit... you are the one who is duped ... all Joe Biden did was sign the fisa law as every president has signed into law every time it has come up to be renewed you are a moron is the best that I can come up with... there is no mass surveillance in the law ... Jesus man pull your head out of your ass...
What fascist believes in total government control (healthcare, housing, food supply, etc.)? Um, all fascists believe that. 100% of fascists.
That's not fascist ... you have no idea what fascism is were you get this crap you are forced to get health care

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    • derogatory
      extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior:
      "an outright ban is just fascism"
    • very intolerant or domineering views or practices in a particular area:
      "this is yet another example of health fascism in action"

    now tell me where the government has offered a health care plan that is affordable is fascist... tell me oh wise one with his head in his ass ... tell me oh wise one where offering affordable housing is fascist ... like to know that brilliant thought of yours ... nobody is being forced into affordable housing ... offering children food in school is fascist ??? love to hear your brilliant answer of yours ... you use the word fascist so incorrect so read the definition learn what irt means

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