The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

democrats were never or would never accept a fascist state…
So right here, right now, are you denying that Joe Biden just expanded the surveillance state powers of the federal government in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act? Yes or No?

If you are denying it, you’re fucked because it shows you’re uninformed and talking out of your ass.

If you’re not denying it, then you just admitted that the Democrats have once again expanded their fascist state.

Either way, you’re fucked. You backed yourself into a corner by lying!
when I tell my democrat friends about your defense they look they just laugh at you … I say look at this person are they a joke or what … they just laugh at you and shake their heads
You talk like a child in junior high (which matches your intellect). I’ve got $5,000 here and now that says you’re 15 years old or younger.

I’m sorry if your uninformed, uneducated junior high friends laughing at me doesn’t cause me reason for pause, but adults don’t really worry about the political views of children 🤷‍♂️
37 charges and felony conviction for something that is 100% constitutional (while the Democrats refuse to prosecute assaults, arson, theft, etc. by ANTIFA & BLM). This is what fascism looks like.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form…
he's smearing himself all by himself... really??? they wife did it ??? what next he is a right-wing judge who writes his opinion for the party ... not for the Constitution...
So right here, right now, are you denying that Joe Biden just expanded the surveillance state powers of the federal government in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act? Yes or No?
there's no yes or no answer here was an existing FISA law that had a 60 to 37 vote on it in the Senate... the law was designed for the surveillance and collection of foreign intelligence on domestic soil. to get the wiretaps the Agency that is doing it has to go to the FISA court to get it authorized...they determine if they can use a wiretap... in a fascist state they don't have to get it approved they just do it, you moron ... your statement is too leading ... nobody with a brain would answer yes or no to it
If you are denying it, you’re fucked because it shows you’re uninformed and talking out of your ass.
it is you who has no idea what Fisa is about I would say you are so fucked in the head ... the FBI, and CIA, all have to go to a FISA court to get any kind of wiretap approved... that's not fascism ... that's doing it correct...
If you’re not denying it, then you just admitted that the Democrats have once again expanded their fascist state
it's a federal law that has been around for many years ... it was reissued has nothing to do with being a fascist state as you keep repeating yourself if you won the debate here... it's a debate that you haven't any clue what you are talking about ... Fisa doesn't give you cart blanch to go and wiretap someone ... you have to prove to the FISA court why you need a wiretap ... it has nothing to do with fascism at all ... if you were a fascist state you would never need a FISA court you moron ...

Either way, you’re fucked. You backed yourself into a corner by lying!
it is you who is lying here back yourself into a corner by not knowing how FISA works're a typical right-wing moron ... that's hasn't any clue what you are talking about ... you wouldn't know a fascist state if you were standing in one ... where do you get these stupid responses from ???
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That’s literally what every leftist says once they have been backed into a corner by indisputable facts 😂
no, it is hard to deal with stupid people like you... you say shit that stupid that has nothing to do with anything ... it's hard to debate with a stupid person like you
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

View attachment 569706
like I said it's not worth my time here ... you are an ignorant person who hasn't any clue what they are saying or talking about ...
37 charges and felony conviction for something that is 100% constitutional (while the Democrats refuse to prosecute assaults, arson, theft, etc. by ANTIFA & BLM). This is what fascism looks like.
now I see why you're so fuck up ...Reason is a libertarian magazine based on no factual information Libertarians are the most ignorant people on the planet next to Republicans... pull your head out of your ass ...Antifa has not attacked anyone BLM has protested and has been accused of of burning down businesses ... what is documented about B LM there has been republicans caught starting these fires and started a frenzy where BLM people have got involved with the destruction of business ... its call mob mentality created by republicans starting the fires they have been arrested ... but ANTIFA has never protested where they burned down anything ... you probably don't know what the acronym antifa stands for or how it got started ...
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form…
the left doesn't support fascism of any type... it represents everything we don't believe ... you have no idea what the left thinks ...just these Bloggers or conspiracy theorists tell you what to believe
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

View attachment 569706
The left/Democrats simply took a page out of the Marxist playbook. "Call your political opponents, what you are. Scream in public that they are Fascists and Nazis. If you do it often enough, the masses will come to believe it."
So right here, right now, are you denying that Joe Biden just expanded the surveillance state powers of the federal government in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act? Yes or No?
there's no yes or no answer here ...
Bwahahaha!! The answer of a pathological liar who has been backed into a corner by indisputable facts 😂

Either Joe Biden expanded unconstitutional fascist surveillance state powers of the federal government or he didn’t. Which is it?

It’s a black and white as it gets. You’re fucked. You lied and you know you lied.
it is you who has no idea what Fisa is about I would say you are so fucked in the head ... the FBI, and CIA, all have to go to a FISA court to get any kind of wiretap approved... that's not fascism ... that's doing it correct...
What part of warrantless do you not understand, you uneducated pro-fascist fuck’n jerk?? That alone is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.

And your response is proof that you’re just a Democrat boot-licker who will defend anything they do - no matter how illegal, immoral, or repugnant. You’re an absolute piece of shit, just like your party.

it's a federal law that has been around for many years...
The response of an uneducated asshole who knows his party has done something illegal/immoral but who lacks the integrity to admit it.

First of all, rape “has been around for many year”. Does that make it ok? Is your intellect that limited? That’s something a child would say.

Second, Joe Biden expanded the unconstitutional powers of FISA, you uneducated asshole.
it was reissued...
It was expanded by fascist Joe Biden and the fascist Democrats, you uneducated high school dropout
it is you who is lying here back yourself into a corner by not knowing how FISA works...
You’re a typical Dumbocrat - so fucking uneducated and yet opening your mouth anyway about a topic you know nothing about. It’s a damn shame you can’t read a damn newspaper or even watch the news.

He’s ultra-left-wing Wired exposing you as an ignorant jerk:

no, it is hard to deal with stupid people like you... you say shit that stupid that has nothing to do with anything ... it's hard to debate with a stupid person like you
That’s literally what every low-IQ leftist says once they have been backed into a corner by indisputable facts 🤣🤣🤣

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