The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Antifa has not attacked anyone...
I love exposing you for the uneducated asshole that you are…😂

the left doesn't support fascism of any type...
You’re literally doing that in this thread. You cannot bring yourself to criticize “Dear Leader” for their fascism. You’re going out of your way to lie for them, cover for them, defend them, etc. You’re fighting to advance fascism at all costs.

The left deeply believes in fascism in its purest form. You assholes have supported the elimination of the 1st Amendment, elimination of the 2nd Amendment, and elimination of the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding FISA surveillance state powers.

Receipts are all there. Ask a trusted adult how to click the links there. Then ask them to read the articles to you. And then ask them to explain the content to your uneducated, illiterate ass.
What part of warrantless do you not understand, you uneducated pro-fascist fuck’n jerk?? That alone is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.

And your response is proof that you’re just a Democrat boot-licker who will defend anything they do - no matter how illegal, immoral, or repugnant. You’re an absolute piece of shit, just like your party.

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Where are you getting this warrentless crap from …are you this stupid … no where in the surveillance act is there a statement saying they don’t have to have a warrant … what nut cases are you reading … FISA the foreign surveillance act requires the FBI, CIA or whom ever they want to surveols has to get a warrent through FISA courts … all Biden did was renew the act … there nothing in the FISA court that say you don’t have to get a warrent … where are you getting this bull shit from … where do you get this stupid shit from …
You’re literally doing that in this thread. You cannot bring yourself to criticize “Dear Leader” for their fascism. You’re going out of your way to lie for them, cover for them, defend them, etc. You’re fighting to advance fascism at all costs.
There’s nothing to cover up you are lying here
The left deeply believes in fascism in its purest form. You assholes have supported the elimination of the 1st Amendment, elimination of the 2nd Amendment, and elimination of the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding FISA surveillance state powers.
Receipts are all there. Ask a trusted adult how to click the links there. Then ask them to read the articles to you. And then ask them to explain the content to your uneducated, illiterate ass.
They would never support any fascist way of life … it’s against everything we believe… No, you are doing all the lying here …everything you have said here is on huge lie… stop your lying …
Only the the convict rapist trump believes in fascist that’s his way of life… he wants to be a Dictator …
Where are you getting this warrentless crap from …are you this stupid … no where in the surveillance act is there a statement saying they don’t have to have a warrant …
If only you knew how to use a Google

what nut cases are you reading …
So the ultra left-wing ACLU is a “nut case” in your mind?

FISA the foreign surveillance act requires the FBI, CIA or whom ever they want to surveols has to get a warrent through FISA courts …
Everyone on this board is laughing at you right now. And I mean everyone 😂

all Biden did was renew the act … there nothing in the FISA court that say you don’t have to get a warrent…
Your illiterate spelling of “warrant” aside, everyone is laughing at you right now. You support fascism and your too dumb to know it 🤦‍♂️

where are you getting this bull shit from… where do you get this stupid shit from…
How many times are you going to repeat the same thing while being 100% wrong? 😂

How embarrassing for you surada and billyerock123. I’ve filled this thread with mountains and mountains of indisputable evidence that you’re both devoted fascists supporting the fascist party in the U.S. And here is more:

You don't even know what fascism is felony fuckup.

Can you explain why that is.
I love exposing you for the uneducated asshole that you are…😂

They would never support any fascist way of life…
They already did and I already proved that. In doing so, I proved that you’re uneducated and uninformed. In other words, the exact voter the fascist Democrats want and need.
You assholes have supported the elimination of the 1st Amendment, elimination of the 2nd Amendment, and elimination of the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding FISA surveillance state powers.
Click the blue “links” there, my uneducated little friend.
No, you are doing all the lying here …everything you have said here is on huge lie… stop your lying …
Ask a trusted adult to click on the links below, read the articles to you, and then explain them to you. Ok?

You assholes have supported the elimination of the 1st Amendment, elimination of the 2nd Amendment, and elimination of the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding FISA surveillance state powers.
They already did and I already proved that. In doing so, I proved that you’re uneducated and uninformed. In other words, the exact voter the fascist Democrats want and need.

Click the blue “links” there, my uneducated little friend.
They're not examples of what you claim.
Ask a trusted adult to click on the links below, read the articles to you, and then explain them to you. Ok?

You assholes have supported the elimination of the 1st Amendment, elimination of the 2nd Amendment, and elimination of the 4th Amendment. Not to mention Joe Biden expanding FISA surveillance state powers.
BWA HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA Breitbard Really that's your great source that we are supposed to be legit Breitbart is not a news organization... Breitbart
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked basis.

and you want me to read you lying sources why ??? you guys have to come up with credible sources ...not these bull shit sites like Breitbart... now I see why your responses are so screwed up another conspiracy theorist idiot reader... nice try but you can't seem to understand truth from fiction
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If only you knew how to use a Google

So the ultra left-wing ACLU is a “nut case” in your mind?

Everyone on this board is laughing at you right now. And I mean everyone 😂

Your illiterate spelling of “warrant” aside, everyone is laughing at you right now. You support fascism and your too dumb to know it 🤦‍♂️

How many times are you going to repeat the same thing while being 100% wrong? 😂

first of all, all they did was sign the FISA law back into law ... the democrats changed nothing in this law that wasn't already written... again that has been law for many years ... nothing new for your 702 concern that been part of the law from the beginning

Section 702 permits the U.S. government to collect without a warrant the communications of non-Americans located outside the country to gather foreign intelligence.

you implied that they were allowed to collect without a warrant the communications of Americans ... they can't do that ...they still have to have a warrant you moron... if you paid attention to the facts it clearly says non-Americans located outside the country... that they don't have to get a warrant ...if you read the damn law you would have known this ... but you get some right-wing rag and buy into it hook line and sinker ...I repeat they can't collect information from American citizens they have to get a warrant...
Breitbard Really that's your great source that we are supposed to be legit Breitbart is not a news organization...
When you cannot dispute the facts, attack the source.

Breitbart is news and has the most impeccable record in journalism of any source today. Bar none. And because it exposed you for a liar, you’re crying about them like a toddler.
first of all, all they did was sign the FISA law back into law ... the democrats changed nothing in this law that wasn't already written... again that has been law for many years ... nothing new …
Repeating a lie over and over doesn’t make the lie any more true 😂

I’ve already exposed you as ignorant about all of this subject matter. It’s only due to the fact that your IQ is so insanely low, you lack the emotion shame, that you keep coming back and embarrassing yourself further 🤦🏼‍♂️

From ultra left-wing Wired:

I repeat they can't collect information from American citizens they have to get a warrant...
As an illiterate, you repeat a lot of things. All of them false.

From ultra left-wing Wired:
The ability of the United States to intercept and store Americans’ text messages, calls, and emails in pursuit of foreign intelligence was not only extended but enhanced over the weekend in ways likely to remain enigmatic to the public for years to come.
Look…you’re clearly illiterate. Which means this content is far beyond your ability to grasp/understand. Either ask a trusted adult to read (and explain) it to you, or go away. All you’re doing is attempting to hijack this thread because you’re ashamed of your own ignorance on this subject and you’re ashamed that your party has become full-fledged fascists.


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