The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Show us a single instance where Breitbart was caught on video lying like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and others were.

Oh wait, you can’t do it? Yeah, didn’t think so.
they are allowed to air on CNN, ABC, and MSNBC, why because they lie so much and CNN, ABC, and MSNBC, have a policy of airing only factual information the truth as they have fact-checked I don't think I have ever seen anything from Breitbart on any of their newscasts...why ?? they don't deal with conspiracy theorist and liars you moron ... Steve Bannon going to jail for failing to give up his accounts of January 6 ... he was afraid to show up in court because he would get caught doing what ??? lying under oath, an executive of Breitbart caught lying in court ... face it you have been duped by Breitbart as lying not news cast they don't tell the news they make it up...
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You claimed over and over that Joe Biden and the Democrats “didn’t” expand the warrantless mass surveillance of Americans. I proved you wrong.
no, you posted a conspiracy theorist that's not proof try again with real proof not these liars of yours... A separate provision, ending warrantless surveillance of Americans, was also offered on the floor Friday but despite gaining support from strange bedfellows from the far-right and far-left, the measure ultimately failed to get a majority of the votes required to pass the House.

it was never passed you moton ... it was wanted by the far left and the far right who were against it, so it failed... you rant about shit that never happens
It’s a damn shame you were uninformed about the actions of your own government and own party. But it’s unacceptable that you lack the maturity to admit you were wrong.
if anyone is uninformed here its you ... you never new it wasn't passed that priceless you go on and on about warrantless mass surveillance and it was never passed ...priceless!!! another uninformed Repub-lie-tard
1. Gavin Newsome
2. Maxine Waters
3. Barack Obama
4. Joe Biden
5. Kamala Harris
6. AOC
7. Rashida Tlaib
8. Ilhan Omar
9. Nancy Pelosi
10. Every mindless minion registered Democrat such as yourself

There are tens of thousands more of course but this is enough to prove you’re clueless. It would help too if you clicked the links I posted, read the material, and then had the maturity to admit reality 🤷🏼‍♂️
Still waiting for you to list a fascist democrat ... name any fascist programs they are for... oh wait!!! facist don't pass programs they tell you what you are going to do ... so again you failed to tell us about any fascist people as democrats ... you don't know what the word fascist means think if you don't like what they are for then they are fascist ... as I've said many times about you you have no idea what the word fascist means ... its a conservative word used by Hitler a conservative word that has been used by republicans to get what they want by force ... no democrat has forced anyone to do anything .. they get a bill passed by voting on it... That is not forced that's legislated
Still waiting for you to list a fascist democrat ... name any fascist programs they are for... oh wait!!! facist don't pass programs they tell you what you are going to do ... so again you failed to tell us about any fascist people as democrats ... you don't know what the word fascist means think if you don't like what they are for then they are fascist ... as I've said many times about you you have no idea what the word fascist means ... its a conservative word used by Hitler a conservative word that has been used by republicans to get what they want by force ... no democrat has forced anyone to do anything .. they get a bill passed by voting on it... That is not forced that's legislated
Trumpsters have their own insulated vocabulary and their own definitions. "Fascist" means the same as communist, Marxist, socialist, evil, demonic, Hitler and Stalinist: "They don't think exactly like I do".

Keeps things real simple 'n stuff.
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who has said they want to eliminate the 1st amendment ???
Do you not know how to use a website? I included the link. And you literally cannot figure out that a link is there to click 🤦🏼‍♂️

Secondly, it’s not what they “said”. They always lie, so why bother listening to what they said? It’s what they did. Not only did Democrats pass a law eliminating the 1st Amendment, but the law also requires citizens to perpetuate a lie. Not even the Nazis were fascist enough to do that.

nowhere has Joe Biden said he wants warrantless mass surveillance...
Of course he’s not going to say it. Democrats aren’t going to admit to their unconstitutional, fascist agenda.

Words don’t matter. Actions do. And the fascist Democrats just expanded warrantless mass surveillance of the American people.

the links you have are conspiracy theorist bull shit...
So to be clear, you are in fact admitting that left-wing sources like Wired and and, are “conspiracy theorist bullshit”? Oops!! Backed yourself into a corner now, lil’ Billy 😂

all Joe Biden did was sign the fisa law as every president has signed into law every time it has come up
You keep repeating that same lie hoping the phrase will stick. I have the receipts proving it’s a lie. You’ve yet to add a single link supporting your outrageous lie.

He and the fascist Democrats expanded the unconstitutional, warrantless mass surveillance on the American people.

Do you not know how to use a website? I included the link. And you literally cannot figure out that a link is there to click 🤦🏼‍♂️

Secondly, it’s not what they “said”. They always lie, so why bother listening to what they said? It’s what they did. Not only did Democrats pass a law eliminating the 1st Amendment, but the law also requires citizens to perpetuate a lie. Not even the Nazis were fascist enough to do that.

If it doesn’t come from CNN or MSBNC, he doesn’t care. One would think that a light bulb would turn on when, as the most recent example, they saw that they were being blatantly lied to regarding Biden’s mental state, but no such luck. Sadly, their bulbs are burnt out.
Jesus man pull your head out of your ass...
Says the uninformed, blind, obedient lap dog who keeps crying “but…but…but…Democrats are just altruistic entities of pure love who only want to feed hungry children, house homeless citizens, and care for everyone”.

You’re clearly under the age of 18. Your ignorant, uninformed, and have a nauseating immature idealism.

You’re not mature enough for any of this content. Come back when you’ve grown up, done your homework, and are informed about this subject matter.
What fascist believes in total government control (healthcare, housing, food supply, etc.)? Um, all fascists believe that. 100% of fascists.
That's not fascist
You’re so uneducated, it’s absolutely mind-numbing. From, stupid:
  1. a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
In other words, all of the things I have linked to Democrats doing, here in this thread. Game over. You lose.

Like I said before, you’re not mature enough to be here. You’re still a child and it shows.

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

View attachment 569706
All very true.
now tell me where the government has offered a health care plan that is affordable is fascist...
First of all, Obamacare isn’t “affordable” 🤣

Second, and much more important, if you weren’t so damn uneducated, you would realize that the federal government even “offering a healthcare plan” (healthcare is one word, you uneducated child), is fascism. It violates the U.S. Constitution and as such, illustrates how Democrats refuse to accept limitations of power.
tell me oh wise one where offering affordable housing is fascist ... like to know that brilliant thought of yours ... nobody is being forced into affordable housing ... offering children food in school is fascist ??? love to hear your brilliant answer of yours ... you use the word fascist so incorrect so read the definition learn what irt means
Note the straw man here. After being thoroughly defeated with links that unequivocally proves that the Democrat Party has eliminated the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, and the 4th Amendment, ‘lil Billy says “nuh-huh, affordable housing isn’t fascist”.

When the left knows they’ve been defeated, they resort to a straw man out of desperation. Every time.
“Reality isn’t real if I just deny reality enough” - ‘lil Billy 😂

You asked for a list. You got it. Now you’re denying you got the list you asked for. Right out of the liberal playbook.
It's a damning pattern that they all follow. They ask for proof and when you give them the proof they scoff at the proof.
Trumpsters have their own insulated vocabulary and their own definitions. "Fascist" means the same as communist, Marxist, socialist, evil, demonic, Hitler and Stalinist: "They don't think exactly like I do".

Keeps things real simple 'n stuff.
well, I'm here to reeducate the morons here ... they follow websters definitions or they will be made fun of by me and hopefully others ... they don't get to make up definitions ...even though they think they can ... I here to make them look stupider than we know...
“Reality isn’t real if I just deny reality enough” - ‘lil Billy 😂

You asked for a list. You got it. Now you’re denying you got the list you asked for. Right out of the liberal playbook.
no i ask for facist who follow fascist ways ... all you did was give a listed of Democrats who believe in human righs and the right to be freed still waiting
You’re so uneducated, it’s absolutely mind-numbing. From, stupid:

In other words, all of the things I have linked to Democrats doing, here in this thread. Game over. You lose.

Like I said before, you’re not mature enough to be here. You’re still a child and it shows.

View attachment 968988
hope you learn it meaning by now ... because your use of the word doesn't fit your accusations ... because so far you haven't shown any remote use of the word ... no democrat has ever been led by any dictator or tried to be a dictator or told Americans if elected he will become a Dictator ...... the only person I know that says he will become a dictator and imprison people or have people who disagree with him killed is Trump your list
1. Gavin Newsome, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
2. Maxine Waters, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
3. Barack Obama, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
4. Joe Biden, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
5. Kamala Harris, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
6. AOC, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
7. Rashida Tlaib, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
8. Ilhan Omar, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
9. Nancy Pelosi, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
10. Every mindless minion registered Republican such as Donald J (jerk) Trump is the only politician who ever claimed he wanted to be a dictator ... how he want to trash the constitution and remove us as being a democracy now I ask again, can you give me a factual list of democrats who claim they want to be Dictator ... so far is you gave a list of democrats that you fear that they will force you to follow the laws of this country or be held liable for not following the laws here... just like the convict, rapist, trump has been held responsible in following the laws of this country... so give us the list of fascist democrats that you claim are fascist not some list of people you hate because they make your types follow the laws of a democracy ... still wating
for a list of fascist
And that’s what the Democrats have done. “Stop & Frisk” in NY was the total elimination of the 4th Amendment. As a devout fascist yourself, you stand with the people who did that.
stop and frisk was Rudy Giulian's plan not any Democrat plan ... you seem to have botched that one accusation ...seems you aren't as bright as you think you are In New York City, stop and frisk gained momentum under Rudy Giuliani, who served as mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. Giuliani adopted a “zero-tolerance” policy for low-level offenses, i... nice try comrade
1. Gavin Newsome, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
2. Maxine Waters, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
3. Barack Obama, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
4. Joe Biden, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
5. Kamala Harris, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
6. AOC, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
7. Rashida Tlaib, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
8. Ilhan Omar, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
9. Nancy Pelosi, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
See? You have to ignore reality (their actions) and focus on their words (which are nothing but lies 24x7) because you know I’m right 😂
Republican such as Donald J (jerk) Trump is the only politician who ever claimed he wanted to be a dictator
Never happened. But lying is what you do. That’s what makes you one of the left-wing fascists.

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