Trump says Biden needs a "cognitive test", forgets the name of doctor who tested him.

1. Biden didn't know he had classified documents and he didn't refuse to give them back. Only Trump deliberately stole classified documents and refused to give them back.
not what hur report sez
2. Donald Trump. Donald Trump HIRES illegals and hides them at his resorts.
Did they kill anyone
3. Imagine being a Ukrainian and having the US President refuse to defend your democracy from Putin.
As a vietnam era veteran. I don't give a shit
4. Lots and lots of times. He pretended he didn't know who David Duke was when asked. He said the KKK were "good people".
That's a lie. You're quoting left wing rags
This guy is always good for a laugh, if nothing else. Of course, it won't be so funny to see democracy trampled and the most unqualified people chosen for positions of power solely on their devotion to Donald Trump. That's called a cult, and we don't want one running our country.

WASHINGTON Donald Trump on Saturday night suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately.”

The entire world knows Wandering *Joe will be a vegetable by November.
not a crime

massive??? LOL Student loanees committed fraud by not paying back their student loans
Welfare for the rich is what this was
Now those loans fall on the taxpayers

ie hunter biden

what republican kept classified docs for 40 years and refused to give them back
What republican allows illegals to randomly kill americans in the name of votes needed
Imagine being a ukrainian and having your country invaded based on what a lousy presiden america has
When did Trump call a grand wizard of the KKK a great man.

and on and on and on.

If these things weren't crimes, why did Donald Trump give his friend David Pecker an immunity deal when Trump was President? If these things weren't crimes, why did Donald Trump have Michael Cohen prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned? How can two of the conspirators be guilty of crimes, but the 3rd conspirator be innocent????

People getting their loans forgiven have paid student loan payments for more than 10 years, without reducing the principal owing. Right wingers turned the student loan program into an efficient method to keep college graduates in poverty for whole adult lives. It's a drag on your economy, and keeps young adults from creating their own homes or having children.

What exactly is Hunter Biden running for??? Why should Americans care what Hunter Biden is doing? He doesn't work in government or have control of anything.

Why does Trump want to turn Europe over to the Russians?
Just watch a little of the debate between Biden and Paul Ryan in 2012 and compare that Biden to Biden today.

Trump is as senile as Biden. Sure thing.

Liberals in the USA are the only group on earth who claim Biden is not compromised mentally.

Even Hur said he is too fucked in the head to stand trial….but you fools want him to be POTUS….a man mentally unfit to stand trial.
Trump is as senile as Biden. Sure thing.

Liberals in the USA are the only group on earth who claim Biden is not compromised mentally.

Even Hur said he is too fucked in the head to stand trial….but you fools want him to be POTUS….a man mentally unfit to stand trial.
“Even Hur…”

Hur is a Republican
not what hur report sez

Did they kill anyone

As a vietnam era veteran. I don't give a shit

That's a lie. You're quoting left wing rags

When your only defence for your stupidity is to call me a liar, you really have NOTHING.

Your opinion on the subject doesn't change the reality, or your ignorance regarding foreign policy.

Not a lie at all. Trump invited Putin to invade Europe and told him he wouldn't defend NATO Allies.
The first sign of Dementia

As someone who spent yesterday going through my storage closet I can honestly say that I found a few things had forgotten I had, even though I went through this stuff 9 years ago when I moved here. That's not "dementia". That's just having far more stuff than I can really need or can keep track of.

"Dementia" is believing things that aren't true or never happened, like claiming you won an election you really lost. Or believing everyone is out to get you. Or that everyone loves and respects your when they're laughing at you right to your face.

As someone who spent yesterday going through my storage closet I can honestly say that I found a few things had forgotten I had, even though I went through this stuff 9 years ago when I moved here. That's not "dementia". That's just having far more stuff than I can really need or can keep track of.

"Dementia" is believing things that aren't true or never happened, like claiming you won an election you really lost. Or believing everyone is out to get you. Or that everyone loves and respects your when they're laughing at you right to your face.

when you become a doctor, let us know what dementia is, until then we will note that you have no idea
when you become a doctor, let us know what dementia is, until then we will note that you have no idea

Both my mother-in-law and father-in-law had it, and we had to learn about it. I'm fortunate in that a long-time friend I've known since he was in university, is now a leading researcher working at an Alzheimer's treatment facility in Montreal, so I had him as a resource.

It's not hard to find out information about dementia, and it's symptoms. There is a lot of GOOD information on the net, but none of it is found at right wing political sites.
Yes, Biden had stuff that he was legally not allowed to have and the archivists did not keep track of it. Biden also kept these classified documents unsecured.

Biden broke the law, mulitiple laws
And not only did’t fight the return but facilitated it.

Had Trump done the same he would have had no issues

He did the opposite
Yes, Biden had stuff that he was legally not allowed to have and the archivists did not keep track of it. Biden also kept these classified documents unsecured.

Biden broke the law, mulitiple laws

Intent is everything. Trumps intended to steal the documents and to hide them.

Biden clearly did not.
Yes, Biden had stuff that he was legally not allowed to have and the archivists did not keep track of it. Biden also kept these classified documents unsecured.

Biden broke the law, mulitiple laws
And not only did’t fight the return but facilitated it.

Had Trump done the same he would have had no issues

He did the opposite
And not only did’t fight the return but facilitated it.

Had Trump done the same he would have had no issues

He did the opposite
You repeat

I repeat

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