Gold Star families blast Biden over debate lie that no troops have died on his watch.

Big Fucking Deal

First President in 20 years to not have combat troops deployed in war zones

After decades of 10,000 plus killed in war and terror attacks you Bitch about Biden having 16
To put this into perspective, Progs may spend weeks on Trump's breakfast diet demeaning, smearing and destroying him for it. And that is one of hundreds and hundreds of anti-Trump agendas. All of those people that were anti Trump from before the 2016 election said they knew better. They spewed know what we need, and they will be perfect. The leaving of Afghanistan could have been handled better. In dangerous work, shit happens. It does not need help from inept politicians. Joe has 50 years in D.C. Just from osmosis he should have picked up proper ways doing this.
Biden did nothing but lie when he was actually able to get a sentence out. But this one was pretty egregious, and laughably untrue.

Either he doesn’t know troops have died because of his decisions, or he thinks no Americans know. Either way, he is a monumental embarrassment to this country.

ORANGE MAN BAD right around the corner. It’s all that have.

Mercenary soldiers don't count officially against a country.
It's necessary to create a special status category to represent the war dead.
No count can be established until after the war is over.
Biden did nothing but lie when he was actually able to get a sentence out. But this one was pretty egregious, and laughably untrue.

Either he doesn’t know troops have died because of his decisions, or he thinks no Americans know. Either way, he is a monumental embarrassment to this country.

ORANGE MAN BAD right around the corner. It’s all that have.

There were probably about 50 more lies Biden told during the debate but he was stammering and babbling so much no one could understand him.
No, we are pointing out that Biden completely forgot about them. There are only 16 of them. If we are being honest, any president with an ounce of decency would know each of their names. Biden doesnt even know they are dead. THATS the problem.
Fuckin' liar.

You FORGET about something if you're asked about it and then give the wrong answer. When you OFFER lies, it's called LYING. And in the case of this stammering shit clown, it's called "congenital lying".

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