China pays Biden family millions, Joe Biden let's 140,000 illegal Chinese into country.

Florida had a Chinese student falsify her identity in order to purchase illegal to export to China substances and then she had them sent to China including purified drugs like cocaine and fentanyl and versions of diseases like cholera and pertussis

So Florida put into law about not letting students from certain foreign nations have access to certain things without extensive background research.

So it makes you wonder who else china sends here in a professional capacity. Not to mention all the non professional ones walking across the border.

Weve already seen where china tried to install a Chinese secret police presence in America and destroyed evidence when confronted.

How many of those Chinese have threatened the FBI, police officers, judges, prosecutors, witnesses, jurors, investigators, Dr. Fauci, reporters, members of Congress etc., etc., etc., at the urging of MAGA bomber Trump, window licker?
It really is hilarious that you are so oblivious to just how weak your game is, Simp. :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

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