November 5 not about electing a president.

I do not have a party, but will be voting for Chase Oliver this time around.

Your god is now safe, the SCTOUS just made sure that him and any future president is never held accountable for their actions....what could possibly go wrong.
Go ahead and get Trump saying he has no immunity. Every living president could go to jail and every future president would go to jail. Your hatred for Trump has shown how stupid you really are.
The "media" isn't running anything. Neither is social media.

By isolating himself from moderation and moderate voices, Trump has made less and less sense, and devolved into lying rants and screeds against his "enemies". He's preaching to a very small choir.

That's why there is no whirlwind.
Small choir? Why is he kicking Tater’s ass?
The "media" isn't running anything. Neither is social media.

By isolating himself from moderation and moderate voices, Trump has made less and less sense, and devolved into lying rants and screeds against his "enemies". He's preaching to a very small choir.

That's why there is no whirlwind.
Are you just acting as senile as xiden in hopes it will make him not look as crazy?
Where the fu(k did he say that?

Video, audio, transcript, anything.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread until you provide proof.

Then, after a while when you don't do that I'll get busy on you.

With prejudice.
I'm sure I'll be really scared by your threat, as soon as I stop laughing.
you sure as hell dont say you are...your just another party die hard...."like what i like or fuck you"....yea you are divide the country more...
The country is divided between right and wrong. Democrats are corrupt and destroying our nation and you're apparently unable to see it. Democrats must be stopped.

Again, what does your incessant whining against both parties accomplish?
The country is divided between right and wrong. Democrats are corrupt and destroying our nation and you're apparently unable to see it. Democrats must be stopped.

Again, what does your incessant whining against both parties accomplish?
you are voting for the same old trying to make them put up quality people who might actually make a difference....trump might be dead a year from now....then what the fuck are you going to do?....

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