This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

And before 1869?
The number of justices on the Supreme Court changed six times before the Nine Justice model went into effect in 1869.

That Nine Justice model has existed for more than half the lifetime of the Republic and does not need to be changed.
The number of justices on the Supreme Court changed six times before the Nine Justice model went into effect in 1869.

That Nine Justice model has existed for more than half the lifetime of the Republic and does not need to be changed.
The number of justices has changed SIX TIMES
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
Nah, we are going to keep it the same and there isnt anything you can do about it. :dunno:
Incorrect. Nine justices is just the right number. You're just going to have to wait a while for the court to change.
There is no constitutional rule or any part of the constitution that the hate party Justices use to decide on what is constitutional or not, They do what they are told , the three judges picked by shitpants got there for only one reason and that was to do as Trump said or told them to do. The other have long list of money handed to them , much of it under the table and not recorded. This supreme court is shit and has to be dumped. WE have never had a piece of shit like trump in office in the past that only cared what these judges could or would do for him. a court made up the way this one was , wasn't set up with anything to do with the constitution , it is just a tool of hatred/MAGA/shitpants. Erase it or increase the number of justices and then dump every decision that these puppets have made decisions on. You want a indication on what should be dumped and are bad , just ask the public what they want , Right wing decision aren't made for people they are made for corporations and the rich. Their decision are generally disliked and don't have the support of the people of this country. the 2024 SUPREME COURT IS THE MOST HATE ONE IN HISTORY of this country No one with a brain has to ask why, when anti American scum make the decision on who gets the job, this is what will always happen. Dump the court, it is hated by the country so why keep it , it is making decision that are hated by the people.
If you make an unsubstantiated allegation, you are expected to substantiate it.

Actually, it is. It is what is required in our judicial system and is what’s expected in informal and formal debate. Look it up.

If you make an allegation but refuse to present evidence to support it then the allegation is summarily dismissed and you cannot be taken seriously.

You sold out your integrity by refusing to substantiate your claim and you will be treated accordingly as the hysterical windbag that you are.
You have no power with me or any patriot, We all consider you as a bottom feeding scum bag traitor to this great country. You are lucky you can even get a patriot to read your waste and a response from the patriot in this country for you scum should be considered a blessing , you simple deserve nothing from us patriots. Maybe at the most our spit.
This wasn’t addressed to you, dumbass.
This worm thinks he deserves something from the patriots of this country, what we deserve is his disappearance , being put back under the rock where shitpants found him , society put him their to keep him away from our children. and that's were he will end up again, any way needed.
Incorrect. Nine justices is just the right number. You're just going to have to wait a while for the court to change.
when anything becomes the enemy of my country , I hate it and think it is justifiable to use any means possible to get rid of any enemy' of my country.
when anything becomes the enemy of my country , I hate it and think it is justifiable to use any means possible to get rid of any enemy' of my country.
You will fail. We are only allowing 9 justices. Youll just have to learn to live with it.
The number of justices on the Supreme Court changed six times before the Nine Justice model went into effect in 1869.

That Nine Justice model has existed for more than half the lifetime of the Republic and does not need to be changed.
it was done by your hate party to gain control of the court, so ass hole it has been done before for the reason I'm saying it should be done. Your a idiot.
it was done by your hate party to gain control of the court, so ass hole it has been done before for the reason I'm saying it should be done. Your an idiot.
In 1869? The hate party was fucking with you idiots way back then? Why haven’t you been trying to expand the court since 1870? You just fucking waited around until 2024? Fuck off.
Don't you love these hate Nazi responses , no I won't let you. I guess they told us.

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