This is what happens to black "conservatives" when they face black people.

I won't. That was a good one.

Right, just like NWA was a new group and always frowned and looked angry in public, but occasionally someone would snap a picture of them giggling like a little girl. We have personas to protect.
They just don’t accept that any black person could be a Republican because they actually believe in the ideology. They think all black people should tow the democrat line, or they are a sellout.
What we don't accept is the anti black ideology of the Republican party. Only a black idiot would be part of it.
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What is it you think you’re proving here? What happened here is the same reason why you rarely see democrats going on right wing talk shows. For the same reason, usually the host is going to go on the offensive.

What you ACTUALLY have proven here is that a conservative was willing to go into the belly of the beast and take on a left winger.

post some clips of dems going on right wing shows, you’ll probably find the same thing.

Incidentally, for the few minutes of this I watched, it didn’t seem like it was anything about black vs white, but left vs right
Liberals have gone on conservative shows. But they get talked over and yelled at. The bellly of the beast is Fox. This guy walked in there and got carved up because what he believes is bullshit as it pertains to blacks. Why you even try discussing this with a numbskull like JGalt only shows that you refuse to accept that the shit you guys REALLY believe is wrong for black people.

You can stop pretending that race is irrelevant. This video is evidence of the reasn why blacks refuse to join the republican party. When that guy was questioned he evaded answering. But you couldn't watch the whole thing because yu woud have seen the problem with black Republicans.
black conservatives right wing white black media or black talk shows

INTERESTING: Even on a political thread, Isaac can't even type one sentence without bringing up race.

Race, race, race, race.

Everything is either black or white.

Meanwhile, conservatives seldom go on liberal shows because:
  1. They are never invited.
  2. They are just attacked and shouted down, not allowed to get even one thought out complete.
Most of the time black conservatives are seen on Fox, or some other show by a right wing white. But how many of them go to black media or black talk shows? Not many. And this is why.

The real black conservatives need to be front and center, not MAGAphiles. Real conservatives back Biden this year.


What we don't accept is the anti black ideology of the Republican party. Only a black idiot would be part of it.
What anti black ideology? Show me this? Where is it?

You forget, I listen to both left and right wing talk radio, you almost never hear the right wing hosts bringing up race unless it’s a headline. You know who talks about race every chance they get? The left wing talk hosts.

Seems they are the ones most obsessed with race. Republicans generally don’t care, unless you make it an issue, then they push back because blacks and democrats always go on the attack with it. Face it, “racism” has been made into a weapon…and white folk are probably just sick and tired of it.
Liberals have gone on conservative shows. But they get talked over and yelled at. The bellly of the beast is Fox. This guy walked in there and got carved up because what he believes is bullshit as it pertains to blacks. Why you even try discussing this with a numbskull like JGalt only shows that you refuse to accept that the shit you guys REALLY believe is wrong for black people.

You can stop pretending that race is irrelevant. This video is evidence of the reasn why blacks refuse to join the republican party. When that guy was questioned he evaded answering. But you couldn't watch the whole thing because yu woud have seen the problem with black Republicans.

Liberals have gone on conservative shows. But they get talked over and yelled at

Exactly, which is what you have here.

This guy walked in there and got carved up because what he believes is bullshit as it pertains to blacks.

Sure, he went onto a left wing talk show and got bullied by the host…you say “carved up” when really all it was was Martin doing what YOU do, just dismissing any counter argument.

Why you even try discussing this with a numbskull like JGalt only shows that you refuse to accept that the shit you guys REALLY believe is wrong for black people.

What is it you think I believe about black people?

You can stop pretending that race is irrelevant.

No, I said racism isn’t around every corner like you would have us believe.
This video is evidence of the reasn why blacks refuse to join the republican party.

I agree, because people like Martin always playing the part of the race baiter, always filling the minds of people like you, with false narratives.

Martin, like you, would have every black person believe that all whiteys are part of the klan, and are out to opppress black people.

When that guy was questioned he evaded answering.

Sure, happens all the time. Hosts usually ask some very specific questions designed to get people in a “gotcha” moment. Again, post some of these videos of liberals going on conservative shows, you’ll see the same thing.

But you couldn't watch the whole thing because yu woud have seen the problem with black Republicans.

No, I didn’t watch the whole thing because I didn’t want to waste 35 minutes listening to the same old story I hear every day on progressive radio.

I already know his schtick…whiteys are bad blacks are good, republicans are the source of every problem in the country today…yadda yadda yadda…. I’m right, right?

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