November 5 not about electing a president.

I can say I'm going to reach mount Everest's summit just in my underpants. Not gonna happen is it.

I think you need a reality check and a chat with a doctor.
Do you think it is OK for a presidential candidate to say he will?
The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump, the wannabe king.
The 2020 election was stolen. There is no way that Joe got that many votes in a true legitimate way. Progs like to say they are higher IQ. The ones who have power in any way do. Others that have higher IQ and power in work also. However, many voters are under educated or little education or exist off the state. Many have grudges as to how they perceived to be treated or selfishness on an issue. And then the lower IQ segment which includes any I typed and the rest. Asper so-called news networks. Maybe stopping the commentator's part and reporting real news would end a lot of strife.
The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump, the wannabe king.

You are barking up the wrong tree, this is what the MAGA folks want.
I have no idea how he might go about it either, but that's not really the point. He said he would do it if he wasn't satisfied with an election. Think about how crazy that is.
If the election is STOLEN (again) - then yeah - all bets are off.
If Trump loses, but the election is honest - he would walk away.

Biden's approval ratings are in the toilet - below 40% - incumbents with those numbers don't win re-election - unless the ballot box is stuffed. FACT.
You have to be pretty stupid to support someone who says he will do it.
The trump Nazis are eager to see the fascism promised by their beloved cult leader. The tens-of-millions who idolize trump believe they will be members of a privileged class of white society. Similar to the supporters of Adolf Hitler, when the reality settled in, very few were welcomed into the inner circle. Those millions of loyal Hitler voters that were left out of that privileged class, like the rest of the population, were treated like riff raff. And then things got bad.

The trump Nazis deserve the nasty surprise trump has planned for them, unfortunately, they will take the good, thoughtful Americans down the sh!thole with them.

The Left's panties are mighty twisted by, once again, what they've been told by their masters.

Trump is going to end democracy! He said he was, he wants to be king! The SC just gave him permission to be king! Vote for the vegetable to save democracy!

Kind of reminds me of Covid will kill you! Get vaccinated or kill your neighbor!!! There is no such thing as natural immunity against covid! Get the jab or DIE!!!!!
Considering what the opposition has promised? You bet we have to vote for the liars.
Then you're an idiot. Your so called "saviors of democracy" have violated the COTUS by spying on 200,000 Americans, at least, while lying to the FISA courts. Have imported over 10 million illegal aliens at a cost of hundreds of billions, have abandoned thousands of Americans overseas, have ignored immigration laws of this country, have used the DOJ to attack their political opponents, have allowed leftist terrorists to murder dozens of people and do billions in damage to cities across the country.

It takes a special kind of stupid to watch that happen and go "meh".

Hello stupid.
The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump, the wannabe king.

You people are fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
I have no idea how he might go about it either, but that's not really the point. He said he would do it if he wasn't satisfied with an election. Think about how crazy that is.

At least you admit you're stupid, and just participating in baseless fear mongering. Good for you!
The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump, the wannabe king.

Your party lied about biden. He was compromised and diseased and demented a year into it. This cover-up should be investigated because it has placed this country in danger. We see through this admins lies and deceit and continual projecting. No, the great danger is currently in the office.

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