The Stalwarts of "Democracy" (The Democrats) Are now Trashing the Supreme Court for not ruling in their favor

Can we all just be happy and enjoy the dismantling of the administrative state? We should all be happy about that. We have actually made our government accountable.
rationally yes.. in application no.

The battle is:

Corner 1: GOP, Conservatism, Talk Radio, FOX opinion, NY Post, and other low end media entities


Corner 2: Democrats, DNC, Wall Street and Globalist Corps, The MSM (NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NYT, TIME, CNN, WAPO, DailyBeast, AP, etc), Academia, Big Tech, Social Media, Entertainment/Hollywood (Movies, Late night "comedy", The View, etc),....

If social influence was a 50-50 fight, Conservatism would win 75% of the vote every year. Only leftist bottlenecks keep the balance of power for the leftists.
This would all be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.
Dems are 100% phony. You can't believe one word that comes out of their filthy lying pie hole. That's why after 4 years of yapping on about democracy they throw democracy under the bus. Shit on the Constitutional separation of powers. And go full blown mob insurrectionist when they don't get their way. Like the 2 year olds throwing a tantrum that they are.
This would all be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.

Let's review the Democrats the past years:
2016: It's okay to challenge an election because through paying for disinformation (Steele Dossier) against our political rival we can say that the presidential election was stolen and the president is illegitimate.
2020: It's an attack against Democracy to suggest an election was completely and totally legitimate for any reason, as it undermines our democracy

When SCOTUS decisions go favorable to the left: "THE SCOTUS Has spoken, you must obey this institution"
When SCOTUS decisions go unfavorable to the left: "The SCOTUS is a radical, activist, treasonist court that must be opposed (with insinuations to violence)

Remember, Kavanaugh had an assassination attempt on him that was thankfully broken up. It wasn't widely reported because the media hates him.

Here's the deal, it's either:
1. Elections are okay to question or they're not.
2. The SCOTUS is legitimate or its not.

You don't get to dance back and forth based on if you got your way. That's what children do.
I have pointed out in other threads that Biden and the left can trash judges and courts but Trump is under a gag order and cannot trash judges and courts without the threat of jail time.
The outrage is not entirely over the fact that the court gave Trump a pass. The outrage is also over the fact that little by little they are destroying The Constitution by undermining it with their edicts, especially this year.

Keep gaping at that bright shiny object.
I think what is amazing, is post like this here....what it shows is just how uneducated dembots are about the Constitution, our Republic, the rule of law and basic civics.

Demafascsit really work on these sort of dembots, it's tragic

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