Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

You too. Take a nap. This is not a thread about zionism etc.
That's like saying mentioning Nazism is not permitted in a discussion about World War II.

You can't understand Israel's war aims without first looking at the history of militant Zionism and its aims which has always had territorial expansion as a core aim, not security, not safety.
That's like saying mentioning Nazism is not permitted in a discussion about World War II.

You can't understand Israel's war aims without first looking at the history of militant Zionism and its aims which has always had territorial expansion as a core aim, not security, not safety.
You truly go all over the place.

This is a war Hamas started via Iran. To Destroy Israel. Israel is taking care of Hamas.

Islam wanted to expand its control of territory outside of Arabia and have ALL it ever conquered before. The only place missing for them is Israel.

They will not have it.

Hamas is going down.

Hezbollah next.

Cry all you like.
Yes, many of them do deny the holocaust. Good point.

How many? I've never seen evidence that many Palestinians deny the Holocaust, that's is a European phenomenon, American phenomenon.

I don't see Palestinians waving swastika flags around but we do in Europe and the United States.

The fact is that Palestinians don't give a shit about the Holocaust, why should they.
It is the homeland of many races, not just the Israelite tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Jews in Palestine lived in relative peace and safety up until militant Zionism was imported from Europe.
Jews in Palestine lived as second class citizens even under Ottoman rule, but at least the Ottoman Turks provided some security for them against the Arabs. The Brits lied to everyone, the Arabs, the Jews, the League of Nations and sold out the Jews completely to curry favor with the Muslim world. That's why the Jews chased them out of the ME, and the Brits have never forgiven them for that.
You truly go all over the place.

This is a war Hamas started via Iran. To Destroy Israel. Israel is taking care of Hamas.

Islam wanted to expand its control of territory outside of Arabia and have ALL it ever conquered before. The only place missing for them is Israel.

They will not have it.

Hamas is going down.

Hezbollah next.

Cry all you like.

Islam already did once control all of Palestine, and guess what? there was no antisemitism, no terrorism, no Hamas, no IDF, no Hezbollah, no administrative detention. All the problems that Jews in Israel now face is the result of European antisemitism and militant Zionism - I bet quite a few Jews would like to go back to those days.
How many? I've never seen evidence that many Palestinians deny the Holocaust, that's is a European phenomenon, American phenomenon.

I don't see Palestinians waving swastika flags around but we do in Europe and the United States.

The fact is that Palestinians don't give a shit about the Holocaust, why should they.
You have derailed this thread long enough.

All pre 1948 discussion belongs here:

If you do not discuss it there, we will not respond anymore.

Nite, Nite.
Islam already did once control all of Palestine, and guess what? there was no antisemitism, no terrorism, no Hams, no IDF, no administrative detention. All the problems that Jews in Israel now face is the result of European antisemitism and militant Zionism.
Get lost into this thread. Bye !!

Get lost into this thread. Bye !!
Nope, I'm not going anywhere, get a blog if you want to copy/paste vacuous little Tweets all day long, you do realize hardly anyone looks at those stupid little tweets don't you?

If you left the forum I think the rest of us might have a chance of a proper discussion, although I disagree with several people here at least they do understand how to argue a point intelligently (well some of them).
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Anyway enough of these free history lessons for Zionist Nazis, I have better things to do this afternoon out here in Arizona, and thankfully no Zionist knuckle draggers are going to shoot at me nor any settlers try to harass me, out here we shoot bastards that force entry to our homes, later losers.


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