This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

We are looking at the most hated supreme court ever in the history of this country. It is obvious why. SCUM SELECTED THE LAST THREE JUDGES AND SCUM SELECTED SCUM
We are looking at the most hated supreme court ever in the history of this country. It is obvious why. SCUM SELECTED THE LAST THREE JUDGES AND SCUM SELECTED SCUM
The SC isn’t there to make you happy. They’re there to make sure laws are Constitutional. I think your problem, other than just being a fucking retard, is you don’t understand how constitutional law works.
You have no power with me or any patriot, We all consider you as a bottom feeding scum bag traitor to this great country. You are lucky you can even get a patriot to read your waste and a response from the patriot in this country for you scum should be considered a blessing , you simple deserve nothing from us patriots. Maybe at the most our spit.
Irrelevant. You are still expected to present evidence for any claims you make. If you refuse to do so then no one is compelled to - in your words - “read your waste”.
This worm thinks he deserves something from the patriots of this country, what we deserve is his disappearance , being put back under the rock where shitpants found him , society put him their to keep him away from our children. and that's were he will end up again, any way needed.
You haven’t answered my question:

What gave you the idea I’m a MAGA? For that matter, what have I said to make you think I’m a traitor?
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court.
Replace them with what? Your version of more politically agreeable corrupt and paid for people? You are actually just changing their sponsors, and that would again be temporary. You should have just stated this country has no choice, and you would have hit the vein.

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