Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

I and others here have addressed that fact that both the Democrat and Republican Parties were very different then and that it was the Southern Democrats who opposed civil rights.
You are moving the goal post. You were here just this morning claiming that the parties switched.
That was then and this is now, It was the southern Democrats who opposed civil rights. They are now todays Republicans

And the most ironic part about it, is that you supported your claim by pointing to Democrats arguing that blacks are to backwards and incompetent to have voter ID (via your link to the “highly respected historical publication” ffs).

You are moving the goal post. You were here just this morning claiming that the parties switched.

And the most ironic part about it, is that you supported your claim by pointing to Democrats arguing that blacks are to backwards and incompetent to have voter ID (via your link to the “highly respected historical publication” ffs).

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Holy shit! WHAT ???I am still saying that the parties switched? How am I “moving the goal posts? If you want to play the logical fallacy game , I am going to call you on resorting to a straw man argument but invoking voter ID and claiming Democrats arguing that blacks are to backwards and incompetent to have voter ID. You are just playing stupid ass games now, But for the record, it is well established that requiring voter ID is a long standing method of suppressing the black vote and that it has nothing to do with blacks allegedly being backward, It is also a red herring logical fallacy.
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Even if that’s the case, Republicans fougth a war to end slavery.

And then they forgot about the whole problem, and have done nothing decent for black people since. It's why their share of the black vote is Single Digits.

I have always been proud of my family that fought for the South

Not one of which owned a slave

The Confederacy produced some of the finest soldiers in American history

I would be EMBARASSED to have a relative who fought for the Confederacy. Just like I am kind of embarrassed some of the relatives fought for the Wehrmacht in WWII.

(Thankfully, Dad was on the RIGHT side of that one!)
And the most ironic part about it, is that you supported your claim by pointing to Democrats arguing that blacks are to backwards and incompetent to have voter ID (via your link to the “highly respected historical publication” ffs).

Guy, that wasn't my argument at all.

My argument is the racists would abuse such a law, because they've abused such laws in the past (poll taxes, literacy tests, etc.)
And then they forgot about the whole problem, and have done nothing decent for black people since. It's why their share of the black vote is Single Digits.

I would be EMBARASSED to have a relative who fought for the Confederacy. Just like I am kind of embarrassed some of the relatives fought for the Wehrmacht in WWII.

(Thankfully, Dad was on the RIGHT side of that one!)
There no shame for the Confederate soldiers that fought bravely for their state, family and neighbors

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