November 5 not about electing a president.

The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump, the wannabe king.
We must safe our democracy by ending the demafasict
It is always so cute when the proles seeking one-party rule try to claim that they are doing so to save democracy.

Are they trying to fool others or fool themselves?
Disrespectful upside down Flag aside, he regime has it fixed with the media so any "whirlwind" will be reduced to a (socialist) breeze.

The "media" isn't running anything. Neither is social media.

By isolating himself from moderation and moderate voices, Trump has made less and less sense, and devolved into lying rants and screeds against his "enemies". He's preaching to a very small choir.

That's why there is no whirlwind.
Who ran the show, fuck bag? See, here's where you've been conditioned. Republicans used to call out their own as well as the democrats. Magaturd dumbfucks elected a narcissist with a fragile ego, so they are incapable of holding him accountable to anything. Stupid. Populist. :rolleyes: I disagree with that, and want nothing to do with it.

It was a worldwide pandemic. A health emergency. Nothing you will say will change that. It was a serious inconvenience and like the Spanish Flu 100 years before it, people died.

Magaturds turned the message of precautions into slavery. Prattling on about the 'tyranny' of distance, masking and 'the clot shot'. :rolleyes: Then, turned that rhetoric up to eleven. Such entitled people. The hubris alone was palpable.
That kind of dialogue mimics how Adolph did it in Germany.
The "media" isn't running anything. Neither is social media.

By isolating himself from moderation and moderate voices, Trump has made less and less sense, and devolved into lying rants and screeds against his "enemies". He's preaching to a very small choir.

That's why there is no whirlwind.
Trump leads among we Americans. Thank god.
I'm voting to get the country back on track. I support a candidate that has successful policies geared for ALL Americans.
If I agreed with people that are wrong then we'd both be wrong.

There is no viable third party candidate or political philosophy.
Basically, you're just an endless complainer. You have no answers and believe no one else does. are voting for another old basterd who is just as divisive as biden is....and you are dam right i will complain,i paid taxes and am a landowner....if you dont like that tough shit.... are voting for another old basterd who is just as divisive as biden is....and you are dam right i will complain,i paid taxes and am a landowner....if you dont like that tough shit....
Go ahead and complain, but don't pretend your out to help the country.
Joe committed harm on America the day he sat in the oval office. He promised to put car makers out of business so to hell with the auto workers. And so far the public told him hell no. They love gas engine autos.
No, he didn't.
Biden fired more than that when he shut down the pipeline. If those people will not advance Trump's policies they are not doing their jobs and deserve to be fired.
Do you know the difference between projected employment impact and actually being laid off? Comparatively few workers were actually laid off.
The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our democracy. I have some concerns about Biden too, but those concerns are far outweighed by the damage that trump has already promised to visit on our democracy. He already said he would "terminate the Constitution if he determined that fraud occurred during an election." "fire 40,000 career civil servants on day one and replace them with ‘patriots’ loyal to him." "He will bring back the architect of the child separation policy at the border" and "Tom Homan (will) run ICE." Have the Justice Department "investigate Comcast, NBC and MSNBC for treason and remove them from the public airwaves." offered to sell out safety and environmental protections for donations, and the partisan Supreme Court has cleared the way for him to reign terror on the poor and middle class. We have to elect Joe, or somebody else who won't use the newly provided presidential powers at least until congress has time to pass new laws to bring us back to normal. If enough people want to call a special election after that, we can do that, but for now, we have to protect our country. You don't have to vote for Joe, but for the country's sake, vote against trump, the wannabe king.

Panty Raid!!!!

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