100% Hall Of Fame...and 100% Israel


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Interesting news from the sports/political world.....and not that foul mouthed women's soccer thing.....

Mariano Rivera, Yankee icon and the first to win entry into the Baseball Hall of Fame with 100% of the votes, 'Mo,' spoke at the CUFI convention (Christians United For Israel)....

"Mariano Rivera is a big supporter of Israel
Rivera, 49, spoke this week at the Christians United for Israel conference in Washington, D.C. CUFI describes itself as the country’s largest pro-Israel group and consists largely of evangelical Christians.

Rivera, who is an ordained pastor himself, became involved with CUFI after meeting the group’s founder and chairman, Pastor John Hagee.

“Every time that I go to Israel, it blows my mind,” Rivera told the Washington Examiner. “I wanted to see more, I wanted to understand more. I wanted to learn more. The Bible comes to life when you’re there.”

“The Bible speaks about Israel. Everything — from New Testament, Old Testament — it’s all about Israel and the relationship his people have,” Rivera said. “So as a Christian, I understand that the chosen people of God is Israel — Jewish Israel.”
Mariano Rivera is a big supporter of Israel

Have read stories from Rivera's playing days about what a class act he is.
The hateful Left, at it again:

"Inside Baseball Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera’s Far-Right Politics

And over the past three years, he’s also served at the pleasure of a racist president, taken part in thinly veiled propaganda on behalf of a far-right government in Israel, and gotten chummy with outright bigots and apocalyptic loons. None of this will be inscribed on his Hall of Fame plaque. It should, even if much of the sports world would very much like to pretend none of it exists.

...when it comes to his signature pitch, “He put it in me,” Rivera said. “He put it in me, for me to use it. To bring glory, not to Mariano Rivera, but to the Lord.”

But the vast majority of Evangelical Christians also believe in a particular messianic biblical prophecy: Jews must rule the Holy Land before Christ can return. Whether Rivera ascribes to those beliefs entirely is unclear, but his support for Israel and the Israel Defense Forces is a matter of public record. He has traveled to Israel on multiple occasions, possibly beginning in 2013."
Inside Baseball Legend Mariano Rivera’s Far-Right Politics
"Humiliation: Daily Beast Tries, Fails to Attack MLB Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera for Supporting Israel, Not Hating Trump
...the Daily Beast's atrocious hit piece on MLB legend Mariano Rivera, the greatest closer of all time. The supposed expose was timed to coincide with Rivera's induction into the Hall of Fame (he was unanimously selected on the first ballot, a remarkable first). Readers are informed that over the course of his career, Rivera kept his political beliefs private (this is painted as sinister secrecy), but now that he's retired, his "far-right" leanings are coming to light. And what do those views entail? He's a Christian who loves Israel..."
Humiliation: Daily Beast Tries, Fails to Attack MLB Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera for Supporting Israel, Not Hating Trump
"Leave Mariano Rivera Alone
This past Sunday, as Yankees legend Mariano Rivera was being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame—the only player in history to gain admittance into the sport’s Holy of Holies by a unanimous vote—the Daily Beast ran a piece exploring what it argued was the legendary pitcher’s “far-right politics.”

Just what ideological offenses did Rivera—who grew up in a poor Panamanian fishing village and played ball using a cardboard milk carton for a glove when he was not helping his father catch sardines—commit? The piece’s author, Robert Silverman, does not mince his words. “Over the past three years,” he thunders, Rivera “served at the pleasure of a racist president, taken part in thinly veiled propaganda on behalf of a far-right government in Israel, and gotten chummy with outright bigots and apocalyptic loons. None of this will be inscribed on his Hall of Fame plaque. It should.”

What follows is a masterful example of painting with the broadest brush possible: Rivera served on a presidential commission to fight the opioid epidemic—alongside the head of the DEA, a number of cabinet secretaries, a professor from Harvard Medical School, and a handful of bereaved parents who had lost their children to addiction; that commission was convened by the president of the United States of America; the president is Donald Trump; ergo, Rivera supports Trump. By that logic, of course, every single public servant still in office is guilty of the same sin, a preposterous proposition that is taken seriously only by zealots for whom ideological purity is not just a prerequisite for participating in public life but its sole purpose.

Silverman is hardly more honest when it comes to Israel. A few months before the pitcher’s visit to the Jewish state, Silverman notes, “Israeli soldiers killed at least 60 Palestinian protesters in Gaza and injured thousands more.” As the piece progresses, we hear more about the suffering of Palestinians at the hands of the wicked Israelis, but not a lick by way of context: nothing about Hamas, nothing about incendiary kites, nothing about rockets terrorizing children in Sderot and elsewhere.

The Daily Beast’s piece, then, is remarkable for how unremarkable it is: just another example of the dizzyingly rapid disintegration of the American press into a choir of shouts and murmurs in the service of anything but the truth."
Leave Mariano Rivera Alone

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