Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ Lebanese Army would never win over Hezbollah. That is why the government has had to allow Hezbollah members to become part of the Government. Iran supplied Hezbollah to take over the south and attack Israel ]


Watch: Hamas terrorist shows a journalist his explosive belt and explains how he is going to blow himself up among Jews. He claims that the Palestinian Muslims love explosive belts and even gave the activation button a special nickname: "the key to Paradise."

This documentary demonstrates how the Palestinians use the religion of Islam to encourage Muslims to sacrifice their souls for Allah (God of Islam) while carrying out suicide bombing attacks against Jews in Israel. Palestinian Muslims believe that a suicide bomber who blew himself up and murdered Jews as "human sacrifices", goes to Paradise and receives 72 virgins from Allah (God of Islam).
Mr Islam rewriter... wanna know about Muslim persecution of Jews [Dhimmitude] since the time of the person you consider a prophet? Or even just in the land of the Jews?

There are several inaccuracies in your post. First the term 'Dhimmitude' does not mean persecution of Jews. Second there is no such thing as "land of the Jews", the very first Jew was born in Canaan, already occupied by Canaanites who were the ancestors of modern Palestinians, and third I don't personally consider Muhammad to have been a prophet. Fourth my name is Holmes, Sherlock Holmes you must be confusing me someone else.

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