Debunking Liberal Myths About the Rich and the Capital Gains Tax

Both left and right wing ideologies end up resorting to mass murder as their 'solutions' to all economic and social problems; for the unwashed masses there is no practical difference between the two.
That's a baby-brained argument. Before the Industrial Revolution capitalism never happened. I agree, there has never been a country with a communist economy for the simple reason that communism as defined by Marx and Engels, is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. The USSR had a state, a currency and one might argue that there were indeed classes, although not exactly how they exist under capitalism. Wikipedia, which is a source everyone has access to, defines communism as:

"A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9]"

No state, no classes, no need for money.

The only way for communism to exist and flourish is when the technology is available to provide consumers with what they need and want. The advanced automation, artificial intelligence, the computing power, has to be available, for there to be a marketless, non-profit, centrally planned, more democratic, system of mass production. Without the technology, it's simply unfeasible. Why do I and other socialists, call ourselves communists as well? It's because communism is the objective. We identify with the goal of socialism, which is communism.

The USSR was the:


Do you see the word "Communist" there anywhere? Nope.

Your claim that communism will never exist is stupid. Communism is inevitable, it will happen, within the next 60 years. Socialism will come before communism, and that's just a decade or two away.

You're ignorant about what is happening in the technological sphere, with respect to automation and artificial intelligence. Without human wage-labor there's no capitalism. Markets collapse without a human workforce, earning a wage. Do I have to explain why to you? I'll let you figure it out. Think. Go ahead, impress me. Tell me why, without human wage-labor there's no market. It's simple, think.

All your heroes are going to do is end up just killing off all the 'useless humans', same as right wingers will if they get on top. All wingnuts are poxes on humanity.
All your heroes are going to do is end up just killing off all the 'useless humans', same as right wingers will if they get on top. All wingnuts are poxes on humanity.
Eliminate wages with robots= No paying consumers = No Market = No Capitalism = Democratic Socialism/Communism

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