Trump: Biden has low IQ, he (Trump) has a high IQ.. Ai people don't want to deal with low IQ people- LOL

Trump is the lyingest politician of all time and also the dumbest. His father bought his way into Wharton, and Trump barely graduated. One of his professors dubbed him the "Dumbest student he ever taught".

His 7 bankruptcies are testimony to his unparalleled business skills, as is his crashing of the US economy during covid. No other first world nation crashed their economy so utterly, or had such high rates of disease and death as the USA.

Sacks wants tax cuts and they're hedging their bets in case he wins. Trump has a big "For Sale" sign hanging around his neck, and he's desperate for money.

That's why Trump calls himself a stable genius with a big brain and the best words.
His understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of U.S. history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this,”
That's why Trump calls himself a stable genius with a big brain and the best words.
yeh, you'll never hear Trump say stuff like

Corn pop was a bad dude
the kids liked to play with my wet leg hairs (!)
my uncle was cannibalized (!)

(and Fox News can supply many other examples)

I busted out laughing reading this.

Trump just doesn't give a rip if people are "offended" by his honesty and up-frontness.

It's so refreshing after all the decades of lying politicians we've had to endure... :auiqs.jpg:

from site

Sacks endorsed Trump Thursday night.

"My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security and stability — issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back," Sacks said Thursday.

Tickets at the sold-out event ranged from $50,000 per person to get in the door all the way up to $500,000 per couple for special access as part of the host committee. The event was sold out.

i don't think trump is a moron because he has low iq. i think trump is a moron because he brags about his low iq and deficienr e3ducation every time he speaks.
It is SOOOOO true what Trump says

Leaders around the world do not want to deal with someone who is incontinent, can't form a sentence w/o a teleprompter and hates his own country (border issues)

Why doesn't this just go w/o saying?!
We know............................

Then the dumbass blamed the............Teleprompters.

Trump blames teleprompter for Revolutionary War 'airports ...​

NBC News › politics › donald-trump › t...

Jul 5, 2019 — The president blamed a teleprompter fail for saying the Continental Army "took over the airports" more than a century before the first plane ...



"When Secret Service took us through the middle of San Francisco, there were thousands of people waving," Trump told Fox News Digital. "We’re talking the heart of San Francisco — people were screaming on the streets with love. It was a very nice thing to see."
yeh, you'll never hear Trump say stuff like

Corn pop was a bad dude
the kids liked to play with my wet leg hairs (!)
my uncle was cannibalized (!)

(and Fox News can supply many other examples)

So much for your Christian morals.

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