Debunking Liberal Myths About the Rich and the Capital Gains Tax

They are, and the multinationals they control loved them some BLM, and they really love their Red Chinese business partners, too. The GOP wants to reward them with lots of tax breaks, subsidies, and huge piles of free money from the Fed, then pretend they're 'different' than the Democrats n stuff.
Why aren’t they giving away their money?
Yes, well we already have long experience with your 'rational constructionist' rubbish,, it's the same as the right wing version, and the early terms we used for flakey programming was 'Garbage In, Garbage Out', and if you think AI's are all being programmed by objective geniuses then I have these bags of some really kool beans that grow for miles and some ducks that shit solid gold turds I'll sell you cheap.
The 21st century is going to be for democratic communism what the 19th century and its industrial revolution was for capitalism. Due to technology capitalism was able to replace feudalism and chattel slavery, and now due to advanced automation, artificial intelligence and powerful cybernetics/computing, communism (A non-profit, marketless, publicly owned, centrally planned, more democratic system of mass production, not dependent upon wages or taxes), is going to be the obvious solution to the "tech-apocalypse", when wages are replaced by technology.

You're equating Russian or Chinese socialism/communism, with American communism. It's not the same. We share core principles with these other forms of communism, but those communists are from another country, culture, time, different set of circumstances. Don't you understand? American communism, is American, it has its own unique traits based upon American values, culture, history..etc. American communism will be unique, just as Russian and Chinese communism are unique to their own culture, values..etc.

1st of all, keep in mind, that in the past communists had to deal with the American capitalist empire and its many threats, sanctions..etc. American communist won't have to grapple, confront the American empire, because we are the empire converting to communism. We will be democratic, there will be no need to "centralize power" and become more authoritarian. Americans are armed to the teeth, and that's how American communists want it. We affirm, support the right to keep and bear arms, including combat rifles.

We American communist, respect personal property. Your house/s, your plot of land, your car, your computer...etc, it's yours. You actually have a human right to your personal property and that will never be infringed.

You will have direct control over the government through your local worker's council, let's call it your WC. You will have the means to elect your delegates to your local, state, and federal governments. You will be able to recall them if the people believe they're incompetent and corrupt. You collect the signatures, and you go to the WC and file a recall election and if the motion wins, by having a majority of votes, you recall that government official and replace him/her with someone else. That's more power than we have now politically.

As far as mass production, we communists will automate practically everything that can be automated. We will have abundance. We will also work towards advancing technology to the point where you as the individual consumer, will be able to produce most of the products that you consume at home and in your local community production center. We will have armies of worker-robots, working 24/7 for the people. Do you understand?

You or your children, and grandchildren, will only work 20 hours weekly, supervising the system (The Robots), and everyone will have a high standard of living. You will have EVERYTHING! House, vehicle..etc, You name it! You'll have more food than today, more gadgets, more of everything that you like. That's modern, democratic, American communism. You will also have your combat rifle/s and ammunition. If we communists are ever stupid enough to try to violate your rights and freedoms, we'll get our heads blown off. You can easily get rid of any despot that tries to violate your rights.

So don't believe the hype. American communism isn't trying to turn anyone into a slave, we want to empower our fellow Americans. Empowerment.
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The 21st century is going to be for democratic communism what the 19th century and its industrial revolution was for capitalism. Due to technology capitalism was able to replace feudalism and chattel slavery, and now due to advanced automation, artificial intelligence and powerful cybernetics/computing, communism (A non-profit, marketless, publicly owned, centrally planned, more democratic system of mass production, not dependent upon wages or taxes), is going to be the obvious solution to the "tech-apocalypse", when wages are replaced by technology.

You're equating Russian or Chinese socialism or communism, with American communism. It's not the same. We share core principles with these other forms of communism, but those communists are from another country, culture, time, different set of circumstances. Don't you understand? American communism, is American, it has its own unique traits based upon American values, culture, history..etc. American communism will be unique, just as Russian and Chinese communism are unique to their own culture, values..etc.

1st of all, keep in mind, that in the past communists had to deal with the American capitalist empire and its many threats, sanctions..etc. American communist won't have to grapple, confront the American empire, because we are the empire converting to communism. We will be democratic, there will be no need to "centralize power" and become more authoritarian. Americans are armed to the teeth, and that's how American communists want it. We affirm, support the right to keep and bear arms, including combat rifles.

We American communist, respect personal property. Your house/s, your plot of land, your car, your computer...etc, it's yours. You actually have a human right to your personal property and that will never be infringed.

You will have direct control over the government through your local worker's council, let's call it your WC. You will have the means to elect your delegates to your local, state, and federal governments. You will be able to recall them if the people believe they're incompetent and corrupt. You collect the signatures, and you go to the WC and file a recall election and if the motion wins, by having a majority of votes, you recall that government official and replace him/her with someone else. That's more power than we have now politically.

As far as mass production, we communists will automate practically everything that can be automated. We will have abundance. We will also work towards advancing technology to the point where you as the individual consumer, will be able to produce most of the products that you consume at home and in your local community production center. We will have armies of worker-robots, working 24/7 for the people. Do you understand?

You or your children, and grandchildren, will only work 20 hours weekly, supervising the system (The Robots), and everyone will have a high standard of living. You will have EVERYTHING! House, vehicle..etc, You name it! You'll have more food than today, more gadgets, more of everything that you like. That's modern, democratic, American communism. You will also have your combat rifle/s and ammunition. If we communists are ever stupid enough to try to violate your rights and freedoms, we'll get our heads blown off. You can easily get rid of any despot that tries to violate your rights.

So don't believe the hype. American communism isn't trying to turn anyone into a slave, we want to empower our fellow Americans. Empowerment.
You want to control people
You want to control people

You capitalists are the ones who want to control and exploit people, not American communists. We want to save our country from the economic collapse that is inevitable due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence. Capitalism needs wages, without it, there's no market or production. Don't you understand? Without wages, there are no profits, because the paying consumer buys everything with their wages. The capitalists want to make everyone rely on a government check or "free money", in order to maintain their obsolete economic system.

I already explained in my last post how democracy in American communism works, so you're just being a dick, pretending we want to "control people", it's you capitalists who want to do that. We will have more freedom and democracy with American communism, than with capitalism.
The 21st century is going to be for democratic communism what the 19th century and its industrial revolution was for capitalism. Due to technology capitalism was able to replace feudalism and chattel slavery, and now due to advanced automation, artificial intelligence and powerful cybernetics/computing, communism (A non-profit, marketless, publicly owned, centrally planned, more democratic system of mass production, not dependent upon wages or taxes), is going to be the obvious solution to the "tech-apocalypse", when wages are replaced by technology.

You're equating Russian or Chinese socialism/communism, with American communism. It's not the same. We share core principles with these other forms of communism, but those communists are from another country, culture, time, different set of circumstances. Don't you understand? American communism, is American, it has its own unique traits based upon American values, culture, history..etc. American communism will be unique, just as Russian and Chinese communism are unique to their own culture, values..etc.

1st of all, keep in mind, that in the past communists had to deal with the American capitalist empire and its many threats, sanctions..etc. American communist won't have to grapple, confront the American empire, because we are the empire converting to communism. We will be democratic, there will be no need to "centralize power" and become more authoritarian. Americans are armed to the teeth, and that's how American communists want it. We affirm, support the right to keep and bear arms, including combat rifles.

We American communist, respect personal property. Your house/s, your plot of land, your car, your computer...etc, it's yours. You actually have a human right to your personal property and that will never be infringed.

You will have direct control over the government through your local worker's council, let's call it your WC. You will have the means to elect your delegates to your local, state, and federal governments. You will be able to recall them if the people believe they're incompetent and corrupt. You collect the signatures, and you go to the WC and file a recall election and if the motion wins, by having a majority of votes, you recall that government official and replace him/her with someone else. That's more power than we have now politically.

As far as mass production, we communists will automate practically everything that can be automated. We will have abundance. We will also work towards advancing technology to the point where you as the individual consumer, will be able to produce most of the products that you consume at home and in your local community production center. We will have armies of worker-robots, working 24/7 for the people. Do you understand?

You or your children, and grandchildren, will only work 20 hours weekly, supervising the system (The Robots), and everyone will have a high standard of living. You will have EVERYTHING! House, vehicle..etc, You name it! You'll have more food than today, more gadgets, more of everything that you like. That's modern, democratic, American communism. You will also have your combat rifle/s and ammunition. If we communists are ever stupid enough to try to violate your rights and freedoms, we'll get our heads blown off. You can easily get rid of any despot that tries to violate your rights.

So don't believe the hype. American communism isn't trying to turn anyone into a slave, we want to empower our fellow Americans. Empowerment.
Communism is long dead retard

You’re fighting a war won on the last century

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