1000 Americans, including Biden are banned from visiting Russia….Trump is not on the list

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Obama allowed Putin to annex Crimean Peninsula, so they are best of friends.

Wonder if the sqaud is on the list, maybe AOC can fly over here and mix Putin some drinks!
Maybe Russia doesn't want to put their children in harms way by admitting a creepy child fondler?
Or they don't need the liability from a foreign late stage dementia patient?
Does Russia even have ice cream?
Hunter helped fund the Ukraine bio weapons labs, so is this retaliation?
Could it be sanctions have caused a diaper shortage & can't keep him supplied?
So many reasons that nobody wants Joe around

Why on earth would Biden travel to Russia? He didn't lose anything there .
Why should he?
Putin's useful idiot he was using to weaken NATO got tossed out. It was only going to get harder for him to invade Ukraine, from that point on. So he invaded. He obviously thought Trump had sufficiently weakened NATO and Western alliances. He thought he was going to sprint to Kyiv in weeks. Biden proved him wrong and put together a huge pushback immediately. Trump would not have accomplished this.
It means Trump is a friend of Russia
It means that the Biden Administration is supplying Ukraine with military weapons against Putin, whereas Trump has made it clear he has never wanted us to get involved in foreign wars if NATO isn't being attacked, not that Trump is friendly with Putin, although he would like all nations to try and get along and thus has no problem with at least speaking directly to opposing nation's leaders in order to reduce international tensions. However, he also believes in having a strong military as a "just in case," back up.
Helps being a strong supporter of Putin

Shows the benefit of declaring Putin a Genius

Left Pinger does not like people who announce whom they do not like and regard as pests and irritants .

He presumably believes that the US does not privately do the same and would deny that the US lacks the guts to be transparent.

The Pinger prefers deceit and lies .But I guess we already know that .
It means that the Biden Administration is supplying Ukraine with military weapons against Putin, whereas Trump has made it clear he has never wanted us to get involved in foreign wars if NATO isn't being attacked, not that Trump is friendly with Putin, although he would like all nations to try and get along and thus has no problem with at least speaking directly to opposing nation's leaders in order to reduce international tensions. However, he also believes in having a strong military as a "just in case," back up.

Trump will abandon Ukraine in a minute
He has also questioned supporting NATO alliances

Trump is an isolationist

1000 Americans, including Biden are banned from visiting Russia….Trump is not on the list​

Oh goody, dredging up this retarded ass offal again.
Putin's useful idiot he was using to weaken NATO got tossed out. It was only going to get harder for him to invade Ukraine, from that point on. So he invaded. He obviously thought Trump had sufficiently weakened NATO and Western alliances. He thought he was going to sprint to Kyiv in weeks. Biden proved him wrong and put together a huge pushback immediately. Trump would not have accomplished this.

Mr. Stoltenberg highlighted rising defence investment across European Allies and Canada, amounting to more than $100 billion extra in recent years, adding that Allies are determined to keep up the momentum.

Trump got NATO deadbeats to pay up, strengthening NATO, YOU FUCKING MORON.
Trump will end the war in a minute instead of borrowing and burning cash, dumbass.

Trump will abandon Ukraine and allow Russia to rebuild its military forces to prepare for its next conquest

The US military budget is $875 billion a year with Russia being our primary threat.

Guess who has been handling that threat for us?
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Mr. Stoltenberg highlighted rising defence investment across European Allies and Canada, amounting to more than $100 billion extra in recent years, adding that Allies are determined to keep up the momentum.

Trump got NATO deadbeats to pay up, strengthening NATO, YOU FUCKING MORON.
Trump telling them if they didn't pay up,

he'd let Putin do whatever Putin wanted to them and their countries, wasn't some diplomatic achievement, or something praiseworthy....as you make it out to be..... It was an embarrassment....
it was a THUGGISH, mob boss action....pay up, or my goons are going to break your knuckles or kill your wife, is NOT something to write home about or praise imo.
I have been to Russia and was treated very well.
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