11 Ap 2018 World Parkinson's Day


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
Harborne had found a clue to Parkinson's in 1964:

'Blue colors in flowers and fruits are not due to the alkalinity of sap (measurements show that it is usually acid), but to complexes of (anthocyanins [italics]) with metals and other substances. Many blue-fruited plants are (aluminum-accumulators [it.]), which may well be significant. It has long been known that some naturally occurring anthocyanins are acylated, but only recently has it been possible to determine the structures of such compounds. A paper by Harborne (1964) reports upon this subject. He says that 15 acylated anthocyanins gave in each case an acylated sugar; that the acyl groups were attached to the sugars in the 3-position; and that the acids involved are p-coumaric, ferulic, and caffeic. He found (no [it.]) evidence for the occurrence of p-hydroxybenzoic, sinapic, and malonic acids (which had been thought to occur).'
(Gibbs RD, Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, 1974)

2015 Parkinson's / Sinapic Acid
The neuroprotective potential of sinapic acid in the 6-hydroxydopamine-induced hemi-parkinsonian rat. - PubMed - NCBI

Mar 2018 Ameliorative Effect of Trans-Sinapic Acid and Its Protective Role in Cerebral Hypoxia of Aluminum Chloride Induced Dementia of Alzheimer's Type
Ameliorative Effect of Trans-sinapic Acid and its Protective Role in Cerebral Hypoxia of Aluminium Chloride Induced Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type - PubMed - NCBI

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