14 years old raped and murdered by Turk and Iraqi, offensive against AfD begins


Nov 14, 2012
If you are a careful reader you understood that if you are the next, the media will have no condolence but will be panicly busy to suppress the effects on the public opinion caused by crimes like this one - with increased attacks on the AfD whatever they say or do. Today they are all disgusted by the AfD´s one minute silence for Susanna F. Susanna F. was reportedly brutally tortured, raped and "halal slaughtered". Thereafter, they buried here in a forest. She was member of the Jewish community in Wiesbaden. The Turk was arrested in Germany, the Iraqi, who is also accused of raping an 11 years old refugee girl, was arrested last night by Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq. The AfD used the time in a debate about increasing party funding (rejected by the AfD) to issue the one minute silence. The politician was sent away under the applause of the other parties´ members. No more kippah days in the Bundestag?

Scandal in the Parliament: AfD-politician calls for a one minute silence amid debate (of course about an increase of the party funding in general).
AfD-Mann will Rede für Schweigeminute für Susanna nutzen – Claudia Roth unterbricht

Outrage in the Parliament:
Mordfall Susanna F.: AfD verärgert Bundestag mit unangekündigter Schweigeminute - WELT

AfD provokes with one minute silence:
AfD provoziert im Bundestag mit Schweigeminute für Susanna

AfD shocks Parliament:
"Sie sollten sich schämen": AfD schockt Bundestag mit Schweigen für getötete Susanna

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More facts appear. The Iraqi was not granted Asylum and he filed a compliance against his rejection. This case is running since 2016, and despite several offenses he wasn´t deported. Second, a friend of the victim wrote the mother what happened via mobile phone but wasn´t questioned by the police. She could have told who did that.
Meanwhile, media outlets are trying to play down the crimes of foreigners. Let´s imagine this was done by some nazi skinheads...

Germany is run by completely insane idiots.Don't waste the time trying to help this failed state which at first accept Sharia law in Europe
Too sad, but most of AFD members will be killed by Antifa and Muslims, so-called German 'police' can not protect them.

All sane people flee from the country of brainwashed dimwits

Germany is run by completely insane idiots.Don't waste the time trying to help this failed state which at first accept Sharia law in Europe
Too sad, but most of AFD members will be killed by Antifa and Muslims, so-called German 'police' can not protect them.

All sane people flee from the country of brainwashed dimwits

Let's sit back and enjoy the beautiful sounds of Islam, shall we?

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