June is “Pride” month

While this thread is already too long for anyone to navigate it, it is important to recognize the ROOT CAUSE of the transgender phenomenon, and it is not neurotic kids who feel isolated and seek affirmation of their wierdness.

The root cause of the MOVEMENT is the Left's unwillingness - MILITANT unwillingness - to be judgmental. They REFUSE to judge any human feeling or emotion or belief (except, of course normal ones).

This refusal is ubiquitous and it rears its head in all sorts of places. They, for example, refuse to acknowledge that Western Culture was superior to, say, the cultures of Central America, where ritual cannibalism was a common practice, along with slavery, body mutilitation, and massive exploitation of women. No better, they say. Capitalism, which has raised more people out of poverty than any economic system in human history, is no better than Socialism, which was and is responsible for tens of millions of deaths of innocents.

But getting back to the point, when one is confronted with a human (child or adult) who has delusions about his/her gender, rather than saying, "Wake the fuck up!" they say, "That's cool. How can I help you?"

They refuse to say that there is anything "wrong" with this delusion, and that is where we are today. To point out obvious biological facts is "Trans-phobic." And on and on.

Don't forget where this comes from. Leftists' most basic belief is that it is wrong to judge others. Regardless of anything.

Which is evil. Don't forget that, either.

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