Pride Month - What's To Be Proud Of?

The right have no ignorance, bigotry and hate directed at gays. That is a mental illness construct of the loony left Marxists. You have bought into this loony blabber.
We do recognize what choices do in the world. When they go against nature and God, the world falls into war where true hatred show itself. That is where we’re are now, again. Because of Democrats.
Lying fits maga so well.
What is it for them to be proud of? And why do they need a month to do it in?

Pride goes before a fall.

Don't worry boot licking Jesse Lee Peterson created White History Month for you in July.

LOS ANGELES – Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND (Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny) and NewsmaxTV host, officially announced that July is "White History Month.”

Jesse Lee Peterson Declares July Is “White History Month…
Then why do you loonies hide? I look out there and I see Maga hats of people who aren’t afraid of telling their truth. I look for Democrats and I see nothing hiding themselves.

You see the clown car road show. Does telling the truth to you mean lying ones ass off. Like the convict won in 2020 and the military is in control now.

You see the clown car road show. Does telling the truth to you mean lying ones ass off. Like the convict won in 2020 and the military is in control now.
If we take Biden and his band of criminals to court in 2025, you won’t be laughing.

You see the clown car road show. Does telling the truth to you mean lying ones ass off. Like the convict won in 2020 and the military is in control now.
I’ve never seen an”Build, Back, Better” hat. I wonder why? Because people wearing them know they will be laughed at.
The turning away from the Lord causing hate, division and violence from the left. It isn’t the Right out burning cities, threatening Jews in cities and universities. It’s the godless left doing this. That is evidence.

The right attacked our capitol, democracy and routinely threaten violence to impose their wants.

The only question for you felony fuckups is “when can we start shooting”.

The right attacked our capitol, democracy and routinely threaten violence to impose their wants.

The only question for you felony fuckups is “when can we start shooting”.
The right did not attack the Capitol. No one had a gun. The only person killed was one of the people on the right shot by a Capitol policeman. Now, BLM has caused violence, brought bricks and guns to their protests killing people and burning private businesses and government buildings. The left on college campuses calling for the death of Jews. People like you using hate speech against religious people mostly against Christians. I could go on and on. See you try to being up the Proud Boys, a small fringe of MAGA and Republicans. The entire Democrat party are involved with terrorists in the country, destroying Christianity and Judaism, forcing children against their parents to be mutilated. Sadistic.
99% sure it's all based on wanting to be in the limelight. Power & control, $$$$$ & attention is all these type of status hounds live for.
Well what do we have here? Another bigot having a hissy fit over pride month.? The obsession and feigned outrage over it is at once sad and comical. You must be terribly insecure about your own sexuality to be so easily threatened by others expressing themselves. Any normal person would just ignore it if they don’t like it, but you have the pathological need to publicly whine about something that has nothing to do with you.

But since we are here I will answer your inane and poorly articulated questions.

“What is it for them to be proud of?” They are proud because they are surviving and even thriving, despite the efforts to marginalize them and deprive them of basic human rights.

Why do they need a whole month ( to express pride) ?” Because, they have faced a lifetime of attempts to deprive them of their pride and dignity as human beings by people like you.

Now maybe you should find so other obsession to occupy your little mind
Well what do we have here? Another bigot having a hissy fit over pride month.? The obsession and feigned outrage over it is at once sad and comical. You must be terribly insecure about your own sexuality to be so easily threatened by others expressing themselves. Any normal person would just ignore it if they don’t like it, but you have the pathological need to publicly whine about something that has nothing to do with you.

But since we are here I will answer your inane and poorly articulated questions.

“What is it for them to be proud of?” They are proud because they are surviving and even thriving, despite the efforts to marginalize them and deprive them of basic human rights.

Why do they need a whole month ( to express pride) ?” Because, they have faced a lifetime of attempts to deprive them of their pride and dignity as human beings by people like you.

Now maybe you should find so other obsession to occupy your little mind

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