State Religion: You cannot dirty the pride flag that is painted on a street without being arrested

Defacing or damaging a public road should be the penalty and nothing more just because a pride flag is painted on it. If someone destroys a pride flag that is on private property then it is destruction of private property- nothing more. If someone buys their own pride flag and burns or destroys it - it’s their right.
If you want art to be respected, don't put it where people are going to walk and drive on it. We have a tradition of protest against public art in this country, just look at the statues that routinely get vandalized and the vandals that get applauded for doing it. Why is it okay for a statue that's in a roped off area to be spray painted and defaced, but people get their undies in a twist when tire marks end up on some stripes painted on the road?

And there are laws already on the books dealing with deliberately spinning your wheels. These guys should have gotten a ticket for doing it, not a felony charge. That's what's ludicrous.

Sure, clean it off after you cross the street. No one wants you blocking everyone else just wanting to go about their business.

Just place shoe washers on the corner to make sure nobody dares get dirt on the sacred mural. Is that too much to ask? The bottom line is, the artist put the stripes where he knew they would get walked on. I think he wanted it to be disrespected. And no, no cop is going to arrest somebody for tracking dog poop on it. Again, if it's sacred to you and you don't want it messed up, put it somewhere that people are not legally required to walk or drive over it.
So many words and they are all wrong. We get it you want to be an asshole and it’s too much to as you not to be. You’re one of those people
So many words and they are all wrong. We get it you want to be an asshole and it’s too much to as you not to be. You’re one of those people
Hmmm, and the amateur comes to the fore. Trying to make it about me instead of the stupidity of putting art where people have to walk on it then complaining about it getting messed up.

Show me why it's incumbent on me to avoid tracking whatever is on the bottom of my shoes onto paint somebody put on a crosswalk. Put it in the middle of the block and fine, I won't walk on it, I'm legally prohibited from doing so. Put it on a crosswalk, however, and I'll walk on it and whatever is on the soles of my shoes will too. In fact, if I want to cross the street there, I have to. Like I've said multiple times, if you want art protected and respected, don't put it on the street where people have to walk on it.
Hmmm, and the amateur comes to the fore. Trying to make it about me instead of the stupidity of putting art where people have to walk on it then complaining about it getting messed up.

Show me why it's incumbent on me to avoid tracking whatever is on the bottom of my shoes onto paint somebody put on a crosswalk. Put it in the middle of the block and fine, I won't walk on it, I'm legally prohibited from doing so. Put it on a crosswalk, however, and I'll walk on it and whatever is on the soles of my shoes will too. In fact, if I want to cross the street there, I have to. Like I've said multiple times, if you want art protected and respected, don't put it on the street where people have to walk on it.
Look man you want to be an asshole I am letting you be one. If you’re such a pussy that seeing a rainbow flag painted on the street leads you to intentionally vandalize it then you’re an asshole. Being a decent person is not hard for most people, you’re just not one of those people we get it.
Biased municipalities declare no flag on government controlled property yet fine for a government controlled street if it’s Prideish
Agenda much??
Look man you want to be an asshole I am letting you be one. If you’re such a pussy that seeing a rainbow flag painted on the street leads you to intentionally vandalize it then you’re an asshole. Being a decent person is not hard for most people, you’re just not one of those people we get it.
Like I said, post some shoe washers on the corners to make sure a piece of art that's intentionally put where people will walk on it doesn't get dirty. I'll let an otherwise unemployed college graduate wash my shoes off. Of course, it will snarl up foot traffic and really make some people mad when they're late getting back to work, but who cares about that?
The Pride flag is such a religious emblem that the United States leftist government arm is aggressively seeking out minor, local offenses and throwing the book at these "heretics".

1. Dylan Brewer, 19, revved his engine and produced skid marks on a street. Normally, that's nothing or at the least a minor ticket. However, he did it on a pride-painted intersection, so he got a FELONY (yes you read that correctly)... a FELONY... "Criminal Mischief" and "damage to property over $1000" (it costs more than a grand to paint a street?), and "reckless misdemeanor while driving".

2. 3 teenagers were arrested and charged with a FELONY for leaving SCOOTER MARKS (yes... scooter marks) on a pride flag-painted street in Spokane WA.

So if you burn out and produce skid marks on any street, you get a ticket at most. However, if you do it on a sacred Pride flag... it's a felony???

This is a state religion. Thou shalt not deface the state religious symbol.

Here's a tip.. if you don't want skid marks on a flag, don't paint it on a street. Wheels go on streets. Wheels cause marks. It's insane, but yet happening in 2024. Leftism is a growing pride cult.
piss on it
Democrats already did the same with their eternal new klux klan cross burning when they painted and renamed a street on America’s capital city ‘Black Lives Matter’.
With the blessing of their DC chapter’s grand witch, Muriel Bowser.
And without permission from the street’s owners, American citizens.

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