Pride Month - What's To Be Proud Of?

That is perfect. It's 2024 and Republicans are a few steps away from trying to fight nature with garlic and holy water! :laugh:
As usual, you make no sense. It's the left using dangerous chemicals and mutilating surgeries to fight nature.
The pride in having the courage to express themselves as individuals regardless of the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate of conservatives.

Indeed, that’s why Pride Month is necessary, to countervail the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate of conservatives.
The pride that leftists find in grooming young children. it's sick and revolting that the left defends exploiting children.

The right did not attack the Capitol. No one had a gun. The only person killed was one of the people on the right shot by a Capitol policeman. Now, BLM has caused violence, brought bricks and guns to their protests killing people and burning private businesses and government buildings. The left on college campuses calling for the death of Jews. People like you using hate speech against religious people mostly against Christians. I could go on and on. See you try to being up the Proud Boys, a small fringe of MAGA and Republicans. The entire Democrat party are involved with terrorists in the country, destroying Christianity and Judaism, forcing children against their parents to be mutilated. Sadistic.
Livin the lie grandma
Livin the lie grandma
It's your party that is 100% provable that is violent and wanting to overthrow the Constitution and the Government. Obama even said he wanted to fundamentally change America. Fundamentally??? That means to overthrow the Constitution and the founding document, The Declaration of Independence... Fools! And there he was with his rich buddies in Hollywood guiding the old fart "Brandon" off the stage because he was lost again.
It's your party that is 100% provable that is violent and wanting to overthrow the Constitution and the Government. Obama even said he wanted to fundamentally change America. Fundamentally??? That means to overthrow the Constitution and the founding document, The Declaration of Independence... Fools! And there he was with his rich buddies in Hollywood guiding the old fart "Brandon" off the stage because he was lost again.
Living the lie bitch

Sorry I don’t do the stupid cult.
I know the answer. Democrats don’t care about the truth. That’s why they flipflop so much. Why? Oh, because you don’t believe in God so there is no ultimate law and truth. Your truth is fluid so you can get your own way.
I know the answer. Democrats don’t care about the truth. That’s why they flipflop so much. Putrid people.

Truth doesn’t exist in the maga felony fuckup movement.

Loyalty to the cult leader is absolute.

Truth doesn’t exist in the maga felony fuckup movement.

Loyalty to the cult leader is absolute.
Who do you have loyalty to? Bill Clinton gave us the traditional marriage act protecting heterosexual marriage. Now, you can marry a chimpanzee but you can't marry two people. Democrats introduced Title IX and passed the law. Nixon had no choice but to sign because if he didn't the Senate would have override ability. Now, Democrats trash women's sports by championing men to take the opportunities away from women in sports. 3 Strikes laws championed by Democrats and now, let them out even if they are murderers. Sickness.
We care because it's a concerted effort to destroy the family.
Do you believe putting up a philanderer who runs around cheating on his freshly w/child wife w/porn stars as the leader of your country has anything to do w/destroying the family in America?
Do you believe putting up a philanderer who runs around cheating on his freshly w/child wife w/porn stars as the leader of your country has anything to do w/destroying the family in America?
Far Left whackjobs and sexual freaks like homos, shemales, and pedophiles are what's destroying the family. We don't elect perfect men to the Presidency, But Trump is perfect for the job so SUCK ON THAT, FAGGOT!!!!!
Do you believe putting up a philanderer who runs around cheating on his freshly w/child wife w/porn stars as the leader of your country has anything to do w/destroying the family in America?
Do you realize that your prose reads like a fucking strobe light?

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