19 Million Infected in the United States...180,000 Hospitalized...10,000 Alrerady DEAD


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


No, actually NOT!

AS OF 7 FEBRUARY, 2020....

"Folks fretting about the coronavirus are forgetting there's another virus already running rampant in the United States, one that's killed nearly 20 times as many people in this country alone.

Influenza has already taken the lives of 10,000 Americans this season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At least 19 million have caught the flu, and an estimated 180,000 became so ill they landed in the hospital.

By comparison, there are 12 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, and just over 31,000 confirmed cases in mainland China, where the virus first emerged. More than 3,800 cases in China are critical, and 636 people there have died from complications of coronavirus infection."

The point is the media is blowing the Coronvirus up into the 2nd Coming of the Black Plague. It's a new strand of FLU, one the elderly, immune-deficient/lowered are most susceptible to.... By NOT putting it into perspective the media is helping to create a panic.

"Coronavirus comes in many, many different forms, and most of them are similar to just a cold virus," Taege said. "This will be the third known episode of a coronavirus that had a significant impact on health beyond just a cold," the first two being SARS and MERS.

Coronavirus also appears to be much less infectious than flu, based on what is known at this point.

"Influenza is a killer. Coronavirus can be, too," Taege said. "We don't have enough data yet to make across-the-board comparisons."

Here's how you can also protect yourself:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Avoid crowds and stay away from sick people."

Great point. COVID-19 isn't as bad as the normal flu, at least so far, but the MSM is making it look like a death sentence.
The stock market is not happy looking forward, down big, UGH.
this has to be intentional. I'm calling it intentional.

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