‘2 If By Sea’: Oath Keepers Messages Shed New Light On Alleged Plot To Storm D.C. With Guns By Way of Potomac


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It looks like some of the oath keepers tried to conspire to bring high power weapons into DC on January 6th.

They are going to be rightfully prosecuted and hopefully spend many years in prison.

It looks like some of the oath keepers tried to conspire to bring high power weapons into DC on January 6th.

They are going to be rightfully prosecuted and hopefully spend many years in prison.

It looks like some of the oath keepers tried to conspire to bring high power weapons into DC on January 6th.

They are going to be rightfully prosecuted and hopefully spend many years in prison.

You can't get arrested for what you think... Only for what you do. As someone in the media... No... Wait... That's about right for your way of thinking now a days.
Geez, I heard they were strapping nuclear bombs on children too

Actually I heard they were feeding ballots from the election to the chickens then they burned the chickens to hide the evidence. LOL

Unlike your stupid post, what I stated above is actually one of the accusations of the qanon people about the "fraud" in the election.

So while you may deal in fantasy, the FBI doesn't. If you had not been so lazy, you would have clicked on the link and read the FBI report, the text messages and the formal charges on the people involved.

But you're just too lazy to get honest facts so you post ridiculous statements as the one above proving to all intelligent people just how down right stupid you are.

Carry on. I'll give the update on those criminals when their trials start and hopefully they are convicted then sent to prison for a very long time.
"...tried to conspire..." What is that, a second-derivative thought crime?

And of course, they forgot their fucking firearms. Pity.
The propaganda article at OP's link is typical bogus agitprop. Author Mr. Krasfeld points out 5 people died that day. The same day the Oath Keepers were sending text messages, so there! One of the Bolshevik posters over there argued that they would have succeeded in getting weapons inside Capitol if they'd coordinated it.
"...tried to conspire..." What is that, a second-derivative thought crime?

And of course, they forgot their fucking firearms. Pity.


Hours before Senate Republicans killed an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6th siege, federal prosecutors disclosed communications about how Oath Keepers allegedly plotted to storm Washington, D.C. with guns by boat by way of the Potomac River.

Those discussions became public in a filing seeking to maintain the strict pretrial release conditions of Oath Keepers member Thomas Caldwell, whom prosecutors allege organized a group of militia members on “standby with guns in a hotel across the river.” In the brief, prosecutors also alleged that a message from the militia’s leader described a “worst case scenario” where former President Donald Trump “calls us up as part of the militia to to assist him inside DC.”

Pulling a line from one of the immortal verses of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the extremist group’s Florida chapter leader Kelly Meggs allegedly imagined the militia members as the modern day equivalent of their American colonial forebears.

“1 if by land,” Meggs allegedly wrote in an encrypted message on the group’s Signal channel, quoting Longfellow’s 1861 poem “Paul Revere’s Ride.”

“North side of Lincoln Memorial,” Meggs’s message continued, according to the government. “2 if by sea[,] Corner of west basin and Ohio is a water transport landing !!”

The alleged Oath Keepers plot to ferry heavy weapons across the Potomac River on a boat was previously reported by the New York Times in February, but prosecutors first made new evidence supporting that claim public on the day Trump’s Republican Party blocked independent scrutiny into the attack.

According to the government’s eight-page brief, the 65-year-old Caldwell allegedly answered Meggs’s call by asking a member of another militia group about procuring a boat for their so-called “quick reaction force,” or QRF.

The lengthy message states:

Can’t believe I just thought of this: how many people either in the militia or not (who are still supportive of our efforts to save the Republic) have a boat on a trailer that could handle a Potomac crossing? If we had someone standing by at a dock ramp (one near the Pentagon for sure) we could have our Quick Response Team with the heavy weapons standing by, quickly load them and ferry them across the river to our waiting arms. I’m not talking about a bass boat. Anyone who would be interested in supporting the team this way?

I will buy the fuel. More or less be hanging around sipping coffee and maybe scooting on the river a bit and pretending to fish, then if it all went to shit, our guy loads our weps AND Blue Ridge Militia weps and ferries them across. Dude! If we had 2 boats, we could ferry across and never drive into D.C. at all!!!! Then get picked up. Is there a way to PLEASE pass the word among folks you know and see if someone would jump in the middle of this to help. I am spreading the word, too. Genius if someone is willing and hasn’t put their boat away for the winter.

Prosecutors claim there is evidence that the quick reaction force members had guns.


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