2 Years Later, J6 Committee Is A Confirmed FAILURE By The Only Measurement That Is Important

Schumer? NOPE!

McConnell was the senate majority leader, not Schumer.
Schumer and Raskin have been on the Adminisration Committee that oversees, among other things, security and the Capitol Police.

2 years after J6 the Capitol is still not protected / secure in large part because of these Democrats whose jobs it is / has been to make sure it is.
The J6 Committee did not investigate the Democrat failed leadership or failed security. They did not have Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, and orher key players testify.

The J6 Committee was partisan Kabuki theater....

And what do you mean by 'about all they could do'? Methods / Resources that would have prevented J6 were not used

No recommendations on how to protect the Capitol were made, and no action have been taken.

Every action the Democrats / J6 Committee took demonstrated undeniably they were nothing more than another partisan 'Get Trump' biased 'hit squad'.
I have a solution. Don't allow Trump's private militia The Proud Boys, Oath Keepers & other para military scum anywhere near the Capital again in groups more then five. And frisk them.

Problem solved.
Thanks for admitting it was a partisan hack shit show.
Maybe McCarthy shouldn't have had a hissy fit & refused to participate. He could have appointed members other then two of Trump's patsies.

Now McCarthy is getting his ass handed back to him by the same retarded scum like Gaetz & Boebert that he enabled.
I have a solution. Don't allow Trump's private militia The Proud Boys, Oath Keepers & other para military scum anywhere near the Capital again in groups more then five. And frisk them.

Problem solved.
Sounds to me your solution is for you to stay under your bed shitting yourself.
Sounds to me like you're having a problem removing the stink of Trump's ass from your face.

Still can't post without whining and crying like the little bitch you are about Trump, and obsessing over his ass.

Seek help soon, Simp. :itsok:
Still can't post without whining and crying like the little bitch you are about Trump, and obsessing over his ass.

Seek help soon, Simp. :itsok:
How's that GOP House Clown Car workin' out for ya, pal? :abgg2q.jpg:

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