Leave it to the great Eugene Robinson to lay it all out in the simplest terms.
MAGA imbeciles pretend that they are concerned about the "Deep State". However, the "Deep State" will be in full view during the inauguration tomorrow...they are all the Putin-like billionaire oligarchs supporting Donald Trump for the next 4 years.
Working class Trump supporters are serfs from the Middle Ages -- it is their
peasant duty to protect the wealth of their rich Repug feudal masters.
After all, rich Repugs like Trump and Musk are their intellectual and moral superiors....they simply have no choice in the matter.
SUCKERS, all of them.
Eugene Robinson from the
Washington Post. --
Some citizens of this republic will see Donald Trump’s second inauguration as a glorious new beginning; others will see it as a dispiriting surrender to the nation’s worst tendencies. Many commentators will surely conclude that this uncommonly frigid Monday in Washington defines the past decade, for better or worse, as the Trump Era.
Historians, however, might view Trump’s swearing-in through a wider lens: Jan. 20, 2025, could well be remembered as the apotheosis of a Second Gilded Age.
The times we live in echo the original Gilded Age, roughly from 1870 to 1900. Now, as then, wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a very few. According to the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the richest 1 percent of Americans hold about 31 percent of the nation’s total wealth — up from 23 percent in 1990. The bottom 50 percent hold just 2.4 percent of total wealth.
Let me repeat: The net worth of fully half of the U.S. population, in the aggregate, is just a tiny fraction of the net worth of the top 1 percent.