2012:The Year Of Chronic Lies From The Left. Have You Ever Seen So Much Media B.S.?

Mar 16, 2012

Looks like we are going to break a record. Right from the start with Obama's State Of The Liberal Cow Manure Address right to this week as we are seeing the media in panic mode like never before.
One of the latest lies is when commentators claim that Romney only has a 40% approval with woman, when the poll shows it's around 45/46/47. Yes, Romney's approval with women was a little lower two weeks ago, but he's catching up to Bozo of whom has lost a few million female supporters as of late.
And regarding the State Of The Unioin, Obama claimed, AMERICA IS BACK? really? if we are back then why is the debt over 15 Trillion?
Rasmussem should take this poll: What Network In Your Opinion Lies The Most? Gee, I wonder who will win?
It's a wonder that we havent seen any noses get any bigger on the worst culprits (maybe Wasserman gets facial surgery once a month?)
i don't know... but i've never seen this much nonsense from whining whinging rightwingers...

desperate much?

Looks like we are going to break a record. Right from the start with Obama's State Of The Liberal Cow Manure Address right to this week as we are seeing the media in panic mode like never before.
One of the latest lies is when commentators claim that Romney only has a 40% approval with woman, when the poll shows it's around 45/46/47. Yes, Romney's approval with women was a little lower two weeks ago, but he's catching up to Bozo of whom has lost a few million female supporters as of late.
And regarding the State Of The Unioin, Obama claimed, AMERICA IS BACK? really? if we are back then why is the debt over 15 Trillion?
Rasmussem should take this poll: What Network In Your Opinion Lies The Most? Gee, I wonder who will win?
It's a wonder that we havent seen any noses get any bigger on the worst culprits (maybe Wasserman gets facial surgery once a month?)

Did you forget something? Like listing the lies?
Democrats lie.

Republicans lie.

They're politicians.

Politicians lie.
example: debbie wasserman on fox&friends,,,,,,,"When Obama took office, unemployment was 11.? %, now its down to 8.2%. lol lol lol !!! and who didnt see that lying moment?
example: debbie wasserman on fox&friends,,,,,,,"When Obama took office, unemployment was 11.? %, now its down to 8.2%. lol lol lol !!! and who didnt see that lying moment?

Open Question......................

If there is any positive coming out of these endless lies, it's that whatever comes out of the white house is not policy. It's the latest joke about the latest lie. The near million dollar GSA party is Bush's fault. The current debacle in North Korea is a stunning foreign policy success. Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance | World news | guardian.co.uk

obama can count on the support of the hard left, the rest of us see that this excellency has no clothes, nor foreign policy either.
Just a thought here on media in general, especially Cable News Media, it has not escaped notice that most if not all of them both Right and Left leaning are generally in the business to garner ratings and increase revenue through the numbers of advertising dollars they take in. They are not the least bit interested in some lofty ideal of journalism or as one network puts it "Fair and Balanced". The days of the reporter who seeks out the truth for the benefit of society are long gone and replaced by News Entertainment, just look at the qualifications of the hosts for these so called news shows. So in my humble opinion its not surprising then that all of them take your pick have some sort of bias politically as it suits their purpose and it makes them not that much different than a corporate marketing Department, however I tend to think that most corporate marketing departments are a little more qualified than just about 99% of the so called media these days.
and dont forget how ed schultz and sharpton keep making up reasons why it was those damn republicans that caused every economic crisis that still hover over us for the last 10 years.(yah, and all the republicans supported the Barney/Frank debacle)

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