2018 Predictions

TDS spreads exponentially through the Democratic Party.

I think that's spread as far as it will to anyone that's susceptible. It will only recede from this point out. (My prediction for right now.)

Quite possible a percentage will be cured entirely!
I don't know you can never underestimate the power of partisan idiocy.
hiLIARy will act on Vanity Fair's advice and learn how to knit.
1. Republicans will lose between 6 and 12 seats in the House.

2. Republicans will gain 4 to 7 seats in the Senate.

3.ISIS will shift most of its operation to the ME, leaving Europe for the most part.

4. The Us economy will grow at 6% annual rate for the year.

5. Infrastructure bill, the Dream/Wall Act, and health care reform will be a successful bi-partisan effort mostly to build the case in the late fall elections.

6. Bill DeBlasio will announce he is running for POTUS in 2020.

7. There will be a scare that the mega volcano under Yellowstone will be about to blow as interpretted from seismic readings then Rosie O'Donnel will be found camping and 50 empty cans of Wolfbran chilli at her camp sight.

8. Hillary Clinton will admit to having a crush on Donald J. Trump.

9. Donald J Trump will admit to having a crush on himself.

10. I will have to put more libtards on ignore for their incessant whining blaming Trump for Democrat losses due to Trump colluding with Ca-Nadians.
Ok, time to get serious on predictions

1. ISIS will have to hide in Barak Obama's back yard or face getting wiped off the face of the earth by Trump.
2. Aliens will continue to hide from the human race in order to avoid the prospect of having to buy universal health care that the GOP refuses to repeal.
3. Sanctuary cities will be created for US citizens who have to live in sanctuary immigrant cities.
4. The Pope will finally marry Bernie Sanders to make a decent man out of him.....well.....as decent as he can be.
5. Hillary will become increasingly senile and accidentally bleach bit her teeth.

All safe bets.

When do I collect my money?
I, for one, plan to welcome our insect overlords.

He said predictions not fantasies.

My predictions

Dems shut down government in January over not getting illegals amnesty
Wall gets funded maybe even start being built
Republican populists sweep midterm elections
Some high ranking democrats and maybe FBI agents get charged when this mueller witch hunt is over and President Trump is cleared 100%

you want rock hard predictions ?

boom, i said it. so bite me, little doggie.
Again fantasy. If they haven't found anything yet they aren't going to. Not hard to believe that because there is NOTHING to be found. Putin HATES Clinton and was just paying the bitch back for things in the past but he doesn't care for President Trump all that much either. Clinton was a shitty candidate who listened to idiot millennials instead of her 2 term ex president husband when he told her the rust belt wasn't happy with her. Read all about it...I am right now.
You nailed t man!
My prediction. Ruth Ginzberg dies.
He said predictions not fantasies.

My predictions

Dems shut down government in January over not getting illegals amnesty
Wall gets funded maybe even start being built
Republican populists sweep midterm elections
Some high ranking democrats and maybe FBI agents get charged when this mueller witch hunt is over and President Trump is cleared 100%

you want rock hard predictions ?

boom, i said it. so bite me, little doggie.
Again fantasy. If they haven't found anything yet they aren't going to. Not hard to believe that because there is NOTHING to be found. Putin HATES Clinton and was just paying the bitch back for things in the past but he doesn't care for President Trump all that much either. Clinton was a shitty candidate who listened to idiot millennials instead of her 2 term ex president husband when he told her the rust belt wasn't happy with her. Read all about it...I am right now.
You nailed t man!
My prediction. Ruth Ginzberg dies.
That would be WONDERFUL! She dies and Kennedy retires or dies!
He said predictions not fantasies.

My predictions

Dems shut down government in January over not getting illegals amnesty
Wall gets funded maybe even start being built
Republican populists sweep midterm elections
Some high ranking democrats and maybe FBI agents get charged when this mueller witch hunt is over and President Trump is cleared 100%

you want rock hard predictions ?

boom, i said it. so bite me, little doggie.
Again fantasy. If they haven't found anything yet they aren't going to. Not hard to believe that because there is NOTHING to be found. Putin HATES Clinton and was just paying the bitch back for things in the past but he doesn't care for President Trump all that much either. Clinton was a shitty candidate who listened to idiot millennials instead of her 2 term ex president husband when he told her the rust belt wasn't happy with her. Read all about it...I am right now.
You nailed t man!
My prediction. Ruth Ginzberg dies.
That would be WONDERFUL! She dies and Kennedy retires or dies!

your fellow christian (R) should be so proud of you little doggy. lol....
He said predictions not fantasies.

My predictions

Dems shut down government in January over not getting illegals amnesty
Wall gets funded maybe even start being built
Republican populists sweep midterm elections
Some high ranking democrats and maybe FBI agents get charged when this mueller witch hunt is over and President Trump is cleared 100%

you want rock hard predictions ?

boom, i said it. so bite me, little doggie.
Again fantasy. If they haven't found anything yet they aren't going to. Not hard to believe that because there is NOTHING to be found. Putin HATES Clinton and was just paying the bitch back for things in the past but he doesn't care for President Trump all that much either. Clinton was a shitty candidate who listened to idiot millennials instead of her 2 term ex president husband when he told her the rust belt wasn't happy with her. Read all about it...I am right now.
You nailed t man!
My prediction. Ruth Ginzberg dies.
That would be WONDERFUL! She dies and Kennedy retires or dies!

your fellow christian (R) should be so proud of you little doggy. lol....
I'm not a christian you ignorant cum stain.Been here 3 years EVERYONE should know that by now.
Headline 12/31/2018
Trump still President despite liberals outrage on USMB.

But keep it up kiddos, I will enjoy another year of laughs and the entertainment provided by the triggered.
you want rock hard predictions ?

boom, i said it. so bite me, little doggie.
Again fantasy. If they haven't found anything yet they aren't going to. Not hard to believe that because there is NOTHING to be found. Putin HATES Clinton and was just paying the bitch back for things in the past but he doesn't care for President Trump all that much either. Clinton was a shitty candidate who listened to idiot millennials instead of her 2 term ex president husband when he told her the rust belt wasn't happy with her. Read all about it...I am right now.
You nailed t man!
My prediction. Ruth Ginzberg dies.
That would be WONDERFUL! She dies and Kennedy retires or dies!

your fellow christian (R) should be so proud of you little doggy. lol....
I'm not a christian you ignorant cum stain.Been here 3 years EVERYONE should know that by now.

lol... you seem to think i care enough to know.

that would be a fail on your part. what amuses me is that it matters not to those that do claim to be christian simply because of the alignment of your views with those that serve their agenda as well.

see how that works? good. now go bury a bone.
Again fantasy. If they haven't found anything yet they aren't going to. Not hard to believe that because there is NOTHING to be found. Putin HATES Clinton and was just paying the bitch back for things in the past but he doesn't care for President Trump all that much either. Clinton was a shitty candidate who listened to idiot millennials instead of her 2 term ex president husband when he told her the rust belt wasn't happy with her. Read all about it...I am right now.
You nailed t man!
My prediction. Ruth Ginzberg dies.
That would be WONDERFUL! She dies and Kennedy retires or dies!

your fellow christian (R) should be so proud of you little doggy. lol....
I'm not a christian you ignorant cum stain.Been here 3 years EVERYONE should know that by now.

lol... you seem to think i care enough to know.

that would be a fail on your part. what amuses me is that it matters not to those that do claim to be christian simply because of the alignment of your views with those that serve their agenda as well.

see how that works? good. now go bury a bone.
Silly little snowflake might cry,goodness....its going to be a LONG 7 years for you snowflakes...hell not 7! 16! President Trump for 8 then President Pence for 8!
Jared Kushner will flip on Trump money laundering and cut a deal with Mueller.

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