2020 Census Congressional Reapportionment Released

Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.

If Texas ever goes blue Dems will all of a sudden love the Electoral College.
306-232...they're loving it now! They'll love it more when Texas goes blue and CA, TX, NY etc... are all firmly in the blue column; year in and year out.

View attachment 484465

Only the Democrats can screw that sort of advantage up. And they will more than likely.

As usual it's only "playing politics" when the other side does it.

Playing politics? Huh?

Republicans-EC is fine Dems EC-is terrible
Texas goes Blue
Republicans EC sucks Dems EC is Awesome
Dems: You are playing politics!
View attachment 484476

Unlike your blob, I've always favored the electoral college.

So no Dems ever were for the EC before they were against it?

Kind of like Clinton and Obama with regards to SSM?

Again, "It's only wrong when the other side does it"

Hey, I was just pointing out how your lord and master--the blob--didn't like the electoral college...now he loves it! If you're looking for hypocrisy...brush away his pubic hair and look up.

So Clinton and Obama were hypocrites as well?

Yes or No?

Lets see their quote....

Barack Obama Quotes

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

I see links....no quotes. Try again little man.

The first link IS a quote you dipshit.

The 2nd is a story on the change in position.

If you are going to resort to this chickenshit, I have proven my point.

Not sure what any of that gibberish is about....

I was able to demonstrate your blob hating the Electoral College. Unlike your blob, I've always favored the EC over the direct popular vote.

If you clicked the links you would see Obama was against SSM before he was for it.

Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Not a problem for the left. Most people leaving California for red States are going to vote blue anyway.

Because idiocy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Right wing modus operandi. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's the truth. Only an idiot would flee a State because of that State's policies only to try to implement those same policies in another State.
Only if you appeal to ignorance. Many leave simply due to the cost of living not their political alignment.
Their political alignment is why their cost of living is so out of whack. Dimwingers love to ruin states.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are Always Right.

In the real world,

California has the largest economy in the Union and the fifth largest economy in the World.
And one of the highest costs of living, like I said. People are fleeing that shithole.
To go to a red cheaper red State.

Are people fleeing to Alabama?


Exactly. False equivalency. They're fleeing to Texas and Florida...states that have some of the highest GDP in the nation and extremely high standard of living. They also have no state income tax, unlike NY and Cali.

As usual, danielpslos writes up faux intellectual gobbledygook that is completely inapposite to reality.


If the 2020 election were held under this reapportionment...Biden wouldn't have gotten 306 electoral votes, he would have gotten 304. There is a 2 net electoral vote swing. There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending. There is a shift to areas that are currently prospering...the trend has been going on for about 230 years.

There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending

You are ignorant, or an idiot, or both. My money is on both.

Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.

If Texas ever goes blue Dems will all of a sudden love the Electoral College.
306-232...they're loving it now! They'll love it more when Texas goes blue and CA, TX, NY etc... are all firmly in the blue column; year in and year out.

View attachment 484465

Only the Democrats can screw that sort of advantage up. And they will more than likely.

As usual it's only "playing politics" when the other side does it.

Playing politics? Huh?

Republicans-EC is fine Dems EC-is terrible
Texas goes Blue
Republicans EC sucks Dems EC is Awesome
Dems: You are playing politics!
View attachment 484476

Unlike your blob, I've always favored the electoral college.

So no Dems ever were for the EC before they were against it?

Kind of like Clinton and Obama with regards to SSM?

Again, "It's only wrong when the other side does it"

Hey, I was just pointing out how your lord and master--the blob--didn't like the electoral college...now he loves it! If you're looking for hypocrisy...brush away his pubic hair and look up.

So Clinton and Obama were hypocrites as well?

Yes or No?

Lets see their quote....

Barack Obama Quotes

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

I see links....no quotes. Try again little man.

The first link IS a quote you dipshit.

The 2nd is a story on the change in position.

If you are going to resort to this chickenshit, I have proven my point.

Not sure what any of that gibberish is about....

I was able to demonstrate your blob hating the Electoral College. Unlike your blob, I've always favored the EC over the direct popular vote.

If you clicked the links you would see Obama was against SSM before he was for it.


You asked for proof, I gave it to you.
Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Not a problem for the left. Most people leaving California for red States are going to vote blue anyway.

Because idiocy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Right wing modus operandi. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's the truth. Only an idiot would flee a State because of that State's policies only to try to implement those same policies in another State.
Only if you appeal to ignorance. Many leave simply due to the cost of living not their political alignment.
Their political alignment is why their cost of living is so out of whack. Dimwingers love to ruin states.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are Always Right.

In the real world,

California has the largest economy in the Union and the fifth largest economy in the World.
And one of the highest costs of living, like I said. People are fleeing that shithole.
To go to a red cheaper red State.

Are people fleeing to Alabama?


Exactly. False equivalency. They're fleeing to Texas and Florida...states that have some of the highest GDP in the nation and extremely high standard of living. They also have no state income tax, unlike NY and Cali.

As usual, danielpslos writes up faux intellectual gobbledygook that is completely inapposite to reality.


If the 2020 election were held under this reapportionment...Biden wouldn't have gotten 306 electoral votes, he would have gotten 304. There is a 2 net electoral vote swing. There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending. There is a shift to areas that are currently prospering...the trend has been going on for about 230 years.

There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending

You are ignorant, or an idiot, or both. My money is on both.

2 electoral vote difference between blue and red...about 900,000 people--less than a million--out of a population of 330 million. Hardly anything to be concerned about. Always happy to give you guys a math lesson.

As for your money...your life savings couldn't equal what's currently in my couch cushions.
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.

If Texas ever goes blue Dems will all of a sudden love the Electoral College.
306-232...they're loving it now! They'll love it more when Texas goes blue and CA, TX, NY etc... are all firmly in the blue column; year in and year out.

View attachment 484465

Only the Democrats can screw that sort of advantage up. And they will more than likely.

As usual it's only "playing politics" when the other side does it.

Playing politics? Huh?

Republicans-EC is fine Dems EC-is terrible
Texas goes Blue
Republicans EC sucks Dems EC is Awesome
Dems: You are playing politics!
View attachment 484476

Unlike your blob, I've always favored the electoral college.

So no Dems ever were for the EC before they were against it?

Kind of like Clinton and Obama with regards to SSM?

Again, "It's only wrong when the other side does it"

Hey, I was just pointing out how your lord and master--the blob--didn't like the electoral college...now he loves it! If you're looking for hypocrisy...brush away his pubic hair and look up.

So Clinton and Obama were hypocrites as well?

Yes or No?

Lets see their quote....

Barack Obama Quotes

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

I see links....no quotes. Try again little man.

The first link IS a quote you dipshit.

The 2nd is a story on the change in position.

If you are going to resort to this chickenshit, I have proven my point.

Not sure what any of that gibberish is about....

I was able to demonstrate your blob hating the Electoral College. Unlike your blob, I've always favored the EC over the direct popular vote.

If you clicked the links you would see Obama was against SSM before he was for it.


You asked for proof, I gave it to you.
You never answered...do you feel betrayed by your blob since you and your lord and master are at odds on the Electoral college?
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.

If Texas ever goes blue Dems will all of a sudden love the Electoral College.
306-232...they're loving it now! They'll love it more when Texas goes blue and CA, TX, NY etc... are all firmly in the blue column; year in and year out.

View attachment 484465

Only the Democrats can screw that sort of advantage up. And they will more than likely.

As usual it's only "playing politics" when the other side does it.

Playing politics? Huh?

Republicans-EC is fine Dems EC-is terrible
Texas goes Blue
Republicans EC sucks Dems EC is Awesome
Dems: You are playing politics!
View attachment 484476

Unlike your blob, I've always favored the electoral college.

So no Dems ever were for the EC before they were against it?

Kind of like Clinton and Obama with regards to SSM?

Again, "It's only wrong when the other side does it"

Hey, I was just pointing out how your lord and master--the blob--didn't like the electoral college...now he loves it! If you're looking for hypocrisy...brush away his pubic hair and look up.

So Clinton and Obama were hypocrites as well?

Yes or No?

Lets see their quote....

Barack Obama Quotes

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

I see links....no quotes. Try again little man.

The first link IS a quote you dipshit.

The 2nd is a story on the change in position.

If you are going to resort to this chickenshit, I have proven my point.

Not sure what any of that gibberish is about....

I was able to demonstrate your blob hating the Electoral College. Unlike your blob, I've always favored the EC over the direct popular vote.

If you clicked the links you would see Obama was against SSM before he was for it.


You asked for proof, I gave it to you.
You never answered...do you feel betrayed by your blob since you and your lord and master are at odds on the Electoral college?

How old was his position?

Which Obama position do you agree with, for or against SSM? What about his hypocrisy?
Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Not a problem for the left. Most people leaving California for red States are going to vote blue anyway.

Because idiocy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Right wing modus operandi. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's the truth. Only an idiot would flee a State because of that State's policies only to try to implement those same policies in another State.
Only if you appeal to ignorance. Many leave simply due to the cost of living not their political alignment.
Their political alignment is why their cost of living is so out of whack. Dimwingers love to ruin states.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are Always Right.

In the real world,

California has the largest economy in the Union and the fifth largest economy in the World.
And one of the highest costs of living, like I said. People are fleeing that shithole.
To go to a red cheaper red State.

Are people fleeing to Alabama?


Exactly. False equivalency. They're fleeing to Texas and Florida...states that have some of the highest GDP in the nation and extremely high standard of living. They also have no state income tax, unlike NY and Cali.

As usual, danielpslos writes up faux intellectual gobbledygook that is completely inapposite to reality.


If the 2020 election were held under this reapportionment...Biden wouldn't have gotten 306 electoral votes, he would have gotten 304. There is a 2 net electoral vote swing. There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending. There is a shift to areas that are currently prospering...the trend has been going on for about 230 years.

There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending

You are ignorant, or an idiot, or both. My money is on both.

2 electoral vote difference between blue and red...about 900,000 people--less than a million--out of a population of 330 million. Hardly anything to be concerned about. Always happy to give you guys a math lesson.

As for your money...your life savings couldn't equal what's currently in my couch cushions.

You were just proven to by a lying sack of shit, and all you can do is spout bullshit about the electoral college.

Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!

This always blows my mind...if all shitholes are blue then why/how is another shithole "SUH-WEET!"
hahaha...you ass-backwards loonies are fascinating.
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!

This always blows my mind...if all shitholes are blue then why/how is another shithole "SUH-WEET!"
hahaha...you ass-backwards loonies are fascinating.
Well, I'm in Arizona... Texas is quite the shit-hole. True. California is beautiful.
Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Not a problem for the left. Most people leaving California for red States are going to vote blue anyway.

Because idiocy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Right wing modus operandi. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's the truth. Only an idiot would flee a State because of that State's policies only to try to implement those same policies in another State.
Only if you appeal to ignorance. Many leave simply due to the cost of living not their political alignment.
Their political alignment is why their cost of living is so out of whack. Dimwingers love to ruin states.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are Always Right.

In the real world,

California has the largest economy in the Union and the fifth largest economy in the World.
And one of the highest costs of living, like I said. People are fleeing that shithole.
To go to a red cheaper red State.

Are people fleeing to Alabama?


Exactly. False equivalency. They're fleeing to Texas and Florida...states that have some of the highest GDP in the nation and extremely high standard of living. They also have no state income tax, unlike NY and Cali.

As usual, danielpslos writes up faux intellectual gobbledygook that is completely inapposite to reality.


If the 2020 election were held under this reapportionment...Biden wouldn't have gotten 306 electoral votes, he would have gotten 304. There is a 2 net electoral vote swing. There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending. There is a shift to areas that are currently prospering...the trend has been going on for about 230 years.

There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending

You are ignorant, or an idiot, or both. My money is on both.

2 electoral vote difference between blue and red...about 900,000 people--less than a million--out of a population of 330 million. Hardly anything to be concerned about. Always happy to give you guys a math lesson.

As for your money...your life savings couldn't equal what's currently in my couch cushions.

You were just proven to by a lying sack of shit, and all you can do is spout bullshit about the electoral college.


Wow, you seem angry. That's good news.
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!

This always blows my mind...if all shitholes are blue then why/how is another shithole "SUH-WEET!"
hahaha...you ass-backwards loonies are fascinating.
Well, I'm in Arizona... Texas is quite the shit-hole. True. California is beautiful.

Are you saying that blue zones like Tucson and LA are beautiful?
Are you fucking blind, deaf and retarded?
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.

If Texas ever goes blue Dems will all of a sudden love the Electoral College.
306-232...they're loving it now! They'll love it more when Texas goes blue and CA, TX, NY etc... are all firmly in the blue column; year in and year out.

View attachment 484465

Only the Democrats can screw that sort of advantage up. And they will more than likely.

As usual it's only "playing politics" when the other side does it.

Playing politics? Huh?

Republicans-EC is fine Dems EC-is terrible
Texas goes Blue
Republicans EC sucks Dems EC is Awesome
Dems: You are playing politics!
View attachment 484476

Unlike your blob, I've always favored the electoral college.

So no Dems ever were for the EC before they were against it?

Kind of like Clinton and Obama with regards to SSM?

Again, "It's only wrong when the other side does it"

Hey, I was just pointing out how your lord and master--the blob--didn't like the electoral college...now he loves it! If you're looking for hypocrisy...brush away his pubic hair and look up.

So Clinton and Obama were hypocrites as well?

Yes or No?

Lets see their quote....

Barack Obama Quotes

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

I see links....no quotes. Try again little man.

The first link IS a quote you dipshit.

The 2nd is a story on the change in position.

If you are going to resort to this chickenshit, I have proven my point.

Not sure what any of that gibberish is about....

I was able to demonstrate your blob hating the Electoral College. Unlike your blob, I've always favored the EC over the direct popular vote.

If you clicked the links you would see Obama was against SSM before he was for it.


You asked for proof, I gave it to you.
You never answered...do you feel betrayed by your blob since you and your lord and master are at odds on the Electoral college?

How old was his position?

Which Obama position do you agree with, for or against SSM? What about his hypocrisy?
4 years; the previous election to his win in 2016.

You failed to show his hypocrisy....while your blob's is on full display. He called the electoral college a "disaster for democracy". You do share his position right? Or are you going to disobey your master for the first time?
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!

This always blows my mind...if all shitholes are blue then why/how is another shithole "SUH-WEET!"
hahaha...you ass-backwards loonies are fascinating.
Well, I'm in Arizona... Texas is quite the shit-hole. True. California is beautiful.

Are you saying that blue zones like Tucson and LA are beautiful?
Are you fucking blind, deaf and retarded?

There is a reason 10M people live in LA and nobody lives in Kansas or Nebraska.
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!

This always blows my mind...if all shitholes are blue then why/how is another shithole "SUH-WEET!"
hahaha...you ass-backwards loonies are fascinating.
Well, I'm in Arizona... Texas is quite the shit-hole. True. California is beautiful.

Are you saying that blue zones like Tucson and LA are beautiful?
Are you fucking blind, deaf and retarded?

There is a reason 10M people live in LA and nobody lives in Kansas or Nebraska.
hahaha...well the "reason" certainly is not because it's "beautiful".
Shit, even the beaners, boogs and homeless are fleeing LA.
LA is now comprised of nothing but faggots, chick with dicks, weirdo degenerates, homeless and wetbacks...PERIOD
Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Not a problem for the left. Most people leaving California for red States are going to vote blue anyway.

Because idiocy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Right wing modus operandi. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's the truth. Only an idiot would flee a State because of that State's policies only to try to implement those same policies in another State.
Only if you appeal to ignorance. Many leave simply due to the cost of living not their political alignment.
Their political alignment is why their cost of living is so out of whack. Dimwingers love to ruin states.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are Always Right.

In the real world,

California has the largest economy in the Union and the fifth largest economy in the World.
And one of the highest costs of living, like I said. People are fleeing that shithole.
To go to a red cheaper red State.

Are people fleeing to Alabama?


Exactly. False equivalency. They're fleeing to Texas and Florida...states that have some of the highest GDP in the nation and extremely high standard of living. They also have no state income tax, unlike NY and Cali.

As usual, danielpslos writes up faux intellectual gobbledygook that is completely inapposite to reality.


If the 2020 election were held under this reapportionment...Biden wouldn't have gotten 306 electoral votes, he would have gotten 304. There is a 2 net electoral vote swing. There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending. There is a shift to areas that are currently prospering...the trend has been going on for about 230 years.

There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending

You are ignorant, or an idiot, or both. My money is on both.

2 electoral vote difference between blue and red...about 900,000 people--less than a million--out of a population of 330 million. Hardly anything to be concerned about. Always happy to give you guys a math lesson.

As for your money...your life savings couldn't equal what's currently in my couch cushions.

You were just proven to by a lying sack of shit, and all you can do is spout bullshit about the electoral college.


Wow, you seem angry. That's good news.

Angry? Hardly. I always get a chuckle when I get to expose you leftists as the lying sacks of shit you are.

I laugh a lot on this board. :banana:
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!

This always blows my mind...if all shitholes are blue then why/how is another shithole "SUH-WEET!"
hahaha...you ass-backwards loonies are fascinating.
Well, I'm in Arizona... Texas is quite the shit-hole. True. California is beautiful.

Are you saying that blue zones like Tucson and LA are beautiful?
Are you fucking blind, deaf and retarded?

There is a reason 10M people live in LA and nobody lives in Kansas or Nebraska.
hahaha...well the "reason" certainly is not because it's "beautiful".
Shit, even the beaners, boogs and homeless are fleeing LA.
LA is now comprised of nothing but faggots, chick with dicks, weirdo degenerates, homeless and wetbacks...PERIOD

If you're an ad for what a red state is like...any of that is far superior to you and your type.
Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Not a problem for the left. Most people leaving California for red States are going to vote blue anyway.

Because idiocy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Right wing modus operandi. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's the truth. Only an idiot would flee a State because of that State's policies only to try to implement those same policies in another State.
Only if you appeal to ignorance. Many leave simply due to the cost of living not their political alignment.
Their political alignment is why their cost of living is so out of whack. Dimwingers love to ruin states.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are Always Right.

In the real world,

California has the largest economy in the Union and the fifth largest economy in the World.
And one of the highest costs of living, like I said. People are fleeing that shithole.
To go to a red cheaper red State.

Are people fleeing to Alabama?


Exactly. False equivalency. They're fleeing to Texas and Florida...states that have some of the highest GDP in the nation and extremely high standard of living. They also have no state income tax, unlike NY and Cali.

As usual, danielpslos writes up faux intellectual gobbledygook that is completely inapposite to reality.


If the 2020 election were held under this reapportionment...Biden wouldn't have gotten 306 electoral votes, he would have gotten 304. There is a 2 net electoral vote swing. There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending. There is a shift to areas that are currently prospering...the trend has been going on for about 230 years.

There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending

You are ignorant, or an idiot, or both. My money is on both.

2 electoral vote difference between blue and red...about 900,000 people--less than a million--out of a population of 330 million. Hardly anything to be concerned about. Always happy to give you guys a math lesson.

As for your money...your life savings couldn't equal what's currently in my couch cushions.

You were just proven to by a lying sack of shit, and all you can do is spout bullshit about the electoral college.


Wow, you seem angry. That's good news.

Angry? Hardly. I always get a chuckle when I get to expose you leftists as the lying sacks of shit you are.

I laugh a lot on this board. :banana:

You're the one hurling insults and profanity....hallmarks of someone who is upset or an idiot...or both.
Normal people would be asking and taking action to reverse why taxpayers are fleeing your State. But California politicians are not normal.

Not a problem for the left. Most people leaving California for red States are going to vote blue anyway.

Because idiocy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Right wing modus operandi. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's the truth. Only an idiot would flee a State because of that State's policies only to try to implement those same policies in another State.
Only if you appeal to ignorance. Many leave simply due to the cost of living not their political alignment.
Their political alignment is why their cost of living is so out of whack. Dimwingers love to ruin states.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are Always Right.

In the real world,

California has the largest economy in the Union and the fifth largest economy in the World.
And one of the highest costs of living, like I said. People are fleeing that shithole.
To go to a red cheaper red State.

Are people fleeing to Alabama?


Exactly. False equivalency. They're fleeing to Texas and Florida...states that have some of the highest GDP in the nation and extremely high standard of living. They also have no state income tax, unlike NY and Cali.

As usual, danielpslos writes up faux intellectual gobbledygook that is completely inapposite to reality.


If the 2020 election were held under this reapportionment...Biden wouldn't have gotten 306 electoral votes, he would have gotten 304. There is a 2 net electoral vote swing. There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending. There is a shift to areas that are currently prospering...the trend has been going on for about 230 years.

There isn't anyone "fleeing" based on ideology or economics as you guys are pretending

You are ignorant, or an idiot, or both. My money is on both.

2 electoral vote difference between blue and red...about 900,000 people--less than a million--out of a population of 330 million. Hardly anything to be concerned about. Always happy to give you guys a math lesson.

As for your money...your life savings couldn't equal what's currently in my couch cushions.

You were just proven to by a lying sack of shit, and all you can do is spout bullshit about the electoral college.


Wow, you seem angry. That's good news.

Angry? Hardly. I always get a chuckle when I get to expose you leftists as the lying sacks of shit you are.

I laugh a lot on this board. :banana:

You're the one hurling insults and profanity....hallmarks of someone who is upset or an idiot...or both.

Is this your way of trying to deal with getting exposed as a liar?
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!

This always blows my mind...if all shitholes are blue then why/how is another shithole "SUH-WEET!"
hahaha...you ass-backwards loonies are fascinating.
Well, I'm in Arizona... Texas is quite the shit-hole. True. California is beautiful.

Are you saying that blue zones like Tucson and LA are beautiful?
Are you fucking blind, deaf and retarded?

There is a reason 10M people live in LA and nobody lives in Kansas or Nebraska.
hahaha...well the "reason" certainly is not because it's "beautiful".
Shit, even the beaners, boogs and homeless are fleeing LA.
LA is now comprised of nothing but faggots, chick with dicks, weirdo degenerates, homeless and wetbacks...PERIOD

If you're an ad for what a red state is like...any of that is far superior to you and your type.

hahaha...it's almost as if you don't realize that it is the people who turn communities, cities and states into the shitholes they become....hahaha...silly Tard.
Texas is turning blue (slowly)....great news. Cali and Texas are about 100 electoral votes. Suh-weet!
Rep Governor....................2 Rep Senators..................Rep majority of House members..................Republican State Senate.................Republican State House..........sounds "Blue" to me.

If Texas ever goes blue Dems will all of a sudden love the Electoral College.
306-232...they're loving it now! They'll love it more when Texas goes blue and CA, TX, NY etc... are all firmly in the blue column; year in and year out.

View attachment 484465

Only the Democrats can screw that sort of advantage up. And they will more than likely.

As usual it's only "playing politics" when the other side does it.

Playing politics? Huh?

Republicans-EC is fine Dems EC-is terrible
Texas goes Blue
Republicans EC sucks Dems EC is Awesome
Dems: You are playing politics!
View attachment 484476

Unlike your blob, I've always favored the electoral college.

So no Dems ever were for the EC before they were against it?

Kind of like Clinton and Obama with regards to SSM?

Again, "It's only wrong when the other side does it"

Hey, I was just pointing out how your lord and master--the blob--didn't like the electoral college...now he loves it! If you're looking for hypocrisy...brush away his pubic hair and look up.

So Clinton and Obama were hypocrites as well?

Yes or No?

Lets see their quote....

Barack Obama Quotes

President Obama Affirms His Support for Same Sex Marriage

I see links....no quotes. Try again little man.

The first link IS a quote you dipshit.

The 2nd is a story on the change in position.

If you are going to resort to this chickenshit, I have proven my point.

Not sure what any of that gibberish is about....

I was able to demonstrate your blob hating the Electoral College. Unlike your blob, I've always favored the EC over the direct popular vote.

If you clicked the links you would see Obama was against SSM before he was for it.


You asked for proof, I gave it to you.
You never answered...do you feel betrayed by your blob since you and your lord and master are at odds on the Electoral college?

How old was his position?

Which Obama position do you agree with, for or against SSM? What about his hypocrisy?
4 years; the previous election to his win in 2016.

You failed to show his hypocrisy....while your blob's is on full display. He called the electoral college a "disaster for democracy". You do share his position right? Or are you going to disobey your master for the first time?

No, I don't share that old position. Do you share Obama's old or new position?

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