28% of former Cain supporters now back Romney.


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
Spokane area

With Cains campaign dead in the water, on a 45 degree list & burning furiously from stem to stern, the Cain crew are abandoning ship. Cain's orphans are seeking refugee as follows...

28% Romney

21% Gingrich

15% Bachmann

12% Perry

9% Paul

With the above percentages Bachmann will jump ahead of Paul. This officially makes Ron Paul the next victim to roll over & sink to the bottom. It also spells Perry's rapidly approacing doom which is now only weeks away. In the end there's only three viable GOP candidates to chose from going into the primaries...

1) Romney

2) Gingrich

3) Bachmann.

With Cains campaign dead in the water, on a 45 degree list & burning furiously from stem to stern, the Cain crew are abandoning ship. Cain's orphans are seeking refugee as follows...

28% Romney

21% Gingrich

15% Bachmann

12% Perry

9% Paul

With the above percentages Bachmann will jump ahead of Paul. This officially makes Ron Paul the next victim to roll over & sink to the bottom. It also spells Perry's rapidly approacing doom which is now only weeks away. In the end there's only three viable GOP candidates to chose from going into the primaries...

1) Romney

2) Gingrich

3) Bachmann.
Great assessment. :clap2:

With Cains campaign dead in the water, on a 45 degree list & burning furiously from stem to stern, the Cain crew are abandoning ship. Cain's orphans are seeking refugee as follows...

28% Romney

21% Gingrich

15% Bachmann

12% Perry

9% Paul

With the above percentages Bachmann will jump ahead of Paul. This officially makes Ron Paul the next victim to roll over & sink to the bottom. It also spells Perry's rapidly approacing doom which is now only weeks away. In the end there's only three viable GOP candidates to chose from going into the primaries...

1) Romney

2) Gingrich

3) Bachmann.

I've heard that Newt isn't even on the ballets yet in many states. Got me a little concerned since I don't know what it takes or when the deadlines are.
Yeah sure they do.

this is a POLL on a ABC blog folks.

Cain hasn't even DROPPED OUT..

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GOP Candidates React to Cain’s Considering Dropping Out of Race - ABC News

With Cains campaign dead in the water, on a 45 degree list & burning furiously from stem to stern, the Cain crew are abandoning ship. Cain's orphans are seeking refugee as follows...

28% Romney

21% Gingrich

15% Bachmann

12% Perry

9% Paul

With the above percentages Bachmann will jump ahead of Paul. This officially makes Ron Paul the next victim to roll over & sink to the bottom. It also spells Perry's rapidly approacing doom which is now only weeks away. In the end there's only three viable GOP candidates to chose from going into the primaries...

1) Romney

2) Gingrich

3) Bachmann.

I've heard that Newt isn't even on the ballets yet in many states. Got me a little concerned since I don't know what it takes or when the deadlines are.

Gingrich a ‘No Show’ on Missouri February Ballot
Washington, D.C. – Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich will be a ‘no show’ on the February primary ballot in the ‘Show Me State’ of Missouri. When the Gingrich campaign showed up missing on the ballot, reports surfaced that the unorganized campaign made a terrible oversight.
The Gingrich campaign told ABC News after the CNN national security debate, that the missing name among the other top contenders is intentional and not an oversight by the campaign.
“We do elections where you can actually win delegates, we don’t participate in beauty contests,” a spokesman for the campaign said.
The ballot election in February does not count for delegates, however it does usually project who will win the state the follow month or gives momentum to a candidate needing an extra push. In March, the state holds a separate caucus which actually decides who wins Missouri’s Republican delegates for the nominating convention.
Gingrich a ‘No Show’ on Missouri February Ballot - ABC News

This is more than concerning! He didn’t go on the ballot to save $1000???

Beauty contests? Oh dear. What does that say about his attitude about Missouri?

Almost sounds like…no won’t go there.
GOP Candidates React to Cain’s Considering Dropping Out of Race - ABC News

With Cains campaign dead in the water, on a 45 degree list & burning furiously from stem to stern, the Cain crew are abandoning ship. Cain's orphans are seeking refugee as follows...

28% Romney

21% Gingrich

15% Bachmann

12% Perry

9% Paul

With the above percentages Bachmann will jump ahead of Paul. This officially makes Ron Paul the next victim to roll over & sink to the bottom. It also spells Perry's rapidly approacing doom which is now only weeks away. In the end there's only three viable GOP candidates to chose from going into the primaries...

1) Romney

2) Gingrich

3) Bachmann.

I've heard that Newt isn't even on the ballets yet in many states. Got me a little concerned since I don't know what it takes or when the deadlines are.

Gingrich a ‘No Show’ on Missouri February Ballot
Washington, D.C. – Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich will be a ‘no show’ on the February primary ballot in the ‘Show Me State’ of Missouri. When the Gingrich campaign showed up missing on the ballot, reports surfaced that the unorganized campaign made a terrible oversight.
The Gingrich campaign told ABC News after the CNN national security debate, that the missing name among the other top contenders is intentional and not an oversight by the campaign.
“We do elections where you can actually win delegates, we don’t participate in beauty contests,” a spokesman for the campaign said.
The ballot election in February does not count for delegates, however it does usually project who will win the state the follow month or gives momentum to a candidate needing an extra push. In March, the state holds a separate caucus which actually decides who wins Missouri’s Republican delegates for the nominating convention.
Gingrich a ‘No Show’ on Missouri February Ballot - ABC News

This is more than concerning! He didn’t go on the ballot to save $1000???

Beauty contests? Oh dear. What does that say about his attitude about Missouri?

Almost sounds like…no won’t go there.

Well that irritates the hell out of me as I had planned on voting for him. WTF?!?

To my recolection there has never been another vote just one month later. I'm confused
If Ron Paul is really at only 9% then damn the US really is letting the ball slip on this. Luckily this is an ABC poll, so it has no credibility really. :]
GOP Candidates React to Cain’s Considering Dropping Out of Race - ABC News

With Cains campaign dead in the water, on a 45 degree list & burning furiously from stem to stern, the Cain crew are abandoning ship. Cain's orphans are seeking refugee as follows...

28% Romney

21% Gingrich

15% Bachmann

12% Perry

9% Paul

With the above percentages Bachmann will jump ahead of Paul. This officially makes Ron Paul the next victim to roll over & sink to the bottom. It also spells Perry's rapidly approacing doom which is now only weeks away. In the end there's only three viable GOP candidates to chose from going into the primaries...

1) Romney

2) Gingrich

3) Bachmann.

Guy, not sure what your point is here. Cain's supporters have already dropped out... and Romney hasn't gained ground, he's lost it. He's gone from 25% back in October to about 22% now in the RCP average.

Romney is a guy who is only a front runner because people keep telling us he's a frontrunner.

Eventually, someone is going to yell, "THe Emperor is NAKED!!!!"
I've heard that Newt isn't even on the ballets yet in many states. Got me a little concerned since I don't know what it takes or when the deadlines are.

Gingrich a ‘No Show’ on Missouri February Ballot
Gingrich a ‘No Show’ on Missouri February Ballot - ABC News

This is more than concerning! He didn’t go on the ballot to save $1000???

Beauty contests? Oh dear. What does that say about his attitude about Missouri?

Almost sounds like…no won’t go there.

Well that irritates the hell out of me as I had planned on voting for him. WTF?!?

To my recolection there has never been another vote just one month later. I'm confused
Murked, if you're as honorable as I now suspect you are, you're probably going to have to end up voting in a write in come November.

What do you think about that? Preparing yourself for it...or what?
Gingrich a ‘No Show’ on Missouri February Ballot

Well that irritates the hell out of me as I had planned on voting for him. WTF?!?

To my recolection there has never been another vote just one month later. I'm confused
Murked, if you're as honorable as I now suspect you are, you're probably going to have to end up voting in a write in come November.

What do you think about that? Preparing yourself for it...or what?

That's a tough call. Last time I ditched my party because I didn't like our nominee I voted Perot. So many other people did the same thing that we got Clinton. Granted I fared well under Clinton I don't see that same scenario playing out this time.

I really don't believe Obama can turn things around. Especially if we win both houses. Total gridlock. My company desperately needs changes to come about for its survival. Unlike many on here who say I've got no principles, I do have far more at risk. I don't have a 9 to 5 or company job that is unaffected by our presidential elections. I've got no bubble around my job. If the economy tanks or continues at this pace I'm done and I don't have many marketable skills outside of construction.

I will vote my conscious in the primaries but come election day I have to vote my wallet. Principle won't pay my help, suppliers or my own bills.
Murked, if you're as honorable as I now suspect you are, you're probably going to have to end up voting in a write in come November.

What do you think about that? Preparing yourself for it...or what?

That's a tough call. Last time I ditched my party because I didn't like our nominee I voted Perot. So many other people did the same thing that we got Clinton. Granted I fared well under Clinton I don't see that same scenario playing out this time.

I really don't believe Obama can turn things around. Especially if we win both houses. Total gridlock. My company desperately needs changes to come about for its survival. Unlike many on here who say I've got no principles, I do have far more at risk. I don't have a 9 to 5 or company job that is unaffected by our presidential elections. I've got no bubble around my job. If the economy tanks or continues at this pace I'm done and I don't have many marketable skills outside of construction.

I will vote my conscious in the primaries but come election day I have to vote my wallet. Principle won't pay my help, suppliers or my own bills.
:clap2: I owe you a rep. I reached my 24-hour quota on giving out rep.
And Ron Paul wont sink to the bottom. He could murder someone on national television and he might drop alittle. but short of that...

As you know, my livlihood also hinges on the building trades. I do hope that you end up voting in your best interests. Those of us who realize that a strengthened middle class is our only hope....need all the support that we can get.

As you know, my livlihood also hinges on the building trades. I do hope that you end up voting in your best interests. Those of us who realize that a strengthened middle class is our only hope....need all the support that we can get.

There are no classes. Why is this such a difficult concept to understand?

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