29 Highlights of CPAC


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This comes from a conservative website so it's not surprising what it finds to be of interest.

1) 5 Things Trump Talked About While Wowing CPAC

2) Podcast: Trump’s Speech Gets High Marks

3) Pence Touts Tax Cuts, Border Wall

4) House Intelligence Chairman Says Democrats Guilty of Government Cover-Up

5) Betsy DeVos Urges Americans to Embrace ‘Education Freedom’

6) #UsToo: How Liberal Feminism Excludes Millions of Women

7) John Bolton on U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and North Korea’s Olympic Propaganda

8) FCC Chairman Pledges to Carry On as NRA Honors Him for ‘Courage Under Fire’

9) Weaponization of the EPA Is Over: An Exclusive Interview With Scott Pruitt

10) More Gun Control Not the Answer, Ted Cruz Insists

11) How a Conservative Agenda Is Transforming Ohio’s Economy

12) ‘Ripple Effect’ of Tax Cuts Will Boost Americans, Kellyanne Conway Predicts

13) Family Tragedy Prompts Eric Bolling to Take Action on Opioids

14) Congress Must ‘Show Leadership’ in Reforming Immigration, Lawmakers Say

15) Congress’ Conservative Champion Brings Bold Agenda to CPAC

16) How the Entrepreneurial Economy Is Transforming America

17) Fired Googler Warns Social Media Users About Censored Speech

18) A Conversation About American Greatness

19) Straw Poll Shows High Approval of Trump’s Policies, Caution on His Tweets

20) Stephen Moore’s Solutions for Out-of-Control Government Spending

21) Judicial Picks Key to Deregulation, Reining in Bureaucracy, White House Counsel Says

22) David Bozell Builds a Grassroots Army on Facebook

23) Trump Cabinet More Conservative Than Reagan’s, Panelist Says

24) Podcast: Conservatives Gather for CPAC

25) Campus Activists Take on a Generational Battle for Free Speech

26) Meet the Talk-Radio Host Shaking Up Washington

27) American Media Fails the Public, Conservative Critics Argue

28) Meet the Man Behind CPAC

29) And That’s a Wrap: The Many Stories of CPAC 2018

Details @ 29 Takeaways From America’s Biggest Conservative Conference

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